From a reader of the SLT paper:
Just read the paper, it would seem from my perspective that you've not accounted for the entropy of information as well as entropy of energy (see Maxwell's Demon).
Dear Nutter:
Both are covered within the categories "matter" and "motion," as per the assumptions and discussion in TSW (chapter 3) and as previously published as "The Ten Assumptions of Science." Following convention, you seem to consider energy as a “thing,” which therefore is subject to entropy. However, energy is neither matter nor motion, it is a concept, as I explained in my latest paper:
Information, like all other things, is subject to divergence (SLT) and convergence (complement to the SLT) in an infinite universe. It is generally considered that the matter and/or motion of matter leaving an isolated system is “degraded” and therefore unusable. This is sort of what happens in the light medium over distance in the resolution of Olbers’ Paradox. Illuminated bodies do not produce identical illuminated bodies. Nevertheless, according to CONSERVATION, the First Law of Thermodynamics, matter and the motion of matter neither can be created nor destroyed. Instead, the matter and motion appears in a different form, which is usable in some other system that it converges upon. The light from the degradation of the Sun, for example, may be reused to produce plant life on earth. The conventional interpretation of the SLT is from the “systems” viewpoint. The correct view, however, is “univironmental,” in which the environment is just as important as the system. Today’s exploding universe is the archetype of modern day systems philosophy—a thing with nothing outside of it. Remember the part about the SLT being a restatement of Newton’s First Law of Motion? Newton’s object travels from point A to point B without a push or shove of any kind unless (I assume “until”) it hits something else. Well, matter/motion leaving an “isolated” system is doing the same thing. Only with COMPLEMENTARITY we assume that it eventually will converge on something else in the infinite universe.
Maxwell's Demon was based on classical mechanics and its assumption that there were a finite number of causes for each effect. The Demon then was supposed to be able to make perfect predictions. Eventually, however, the Uncertainty Principle demonstrated that causality nevertheless was objective and uncertainty was subjective (the Copenhageners notwithstanding). That was the death of the Demon. In neomechanics, I use infinite universal causality (a la Bohm, 1957). In tune with the assumption of INFINITY, I assume that there are mechanical causes for all effects, but also in tune with INFINITY, I assume that we never can determine all of them, just a few of the most important ones, perhaps.