Online Courses and Subversive Education

Thanks again to Gary Wacker for the heads-up concerning online courses. There also are many free online courses (see http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses ). Their exponential growth no doubt will continue as the cost of in-person education skyrockets (U.C. Berkeley, presumably the best public university in the U.S., has a total yearly cost of $32,000 for in-state and $55,000 for out-of-state students). Perhaps to offset that calamity, UCB also has become the top university offering free online courses (http://www.jimmyr.com/blog/1_Top_10_Universities_With_Free_Courses_Online.php ).

One good example of a free online course is “Introduction to Genetics and Evolution,” which will be given by Prof. Mohamed Noor of Duke University starting Oct. 10. It already has an enrollment of over 25,000 students (http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/a-free-online-course-in-genetics-and-evolution-by-mohamed-noor/ ). Personal attention obviously is impossible with so many students, but this seems little different from the 500-student lecture halls that many of us experienced at the big universities. We became logical thinkers anyway.

You can see the opportunities that await those of us who wish to rid physics of cosmogony and relativity. With the worldwide web, truly mass education has arrived. The high priests of regressive physics inevitably will lose their indeterministic grip as education becomes cheaper and more efficient.