Why there can be no matter without motion

PSI Blog 20150701  

Another great question by Luis:

“I'm still not clear on just why matter requires motion. I get why motion requires matter (since for movement to take place, there needs to be something that is moving), but could we not conceive of a motionless chunk of motion (even if such a thing is not possible in reality, given that it would be effected by its environment)?”

[GB: Luis, I will assume that you meant “a motionless chunk of matter” instead, as there are no “motionless chunks of motion.” Matter (microcosms) requires motion because it must be able to withstand the impacts from external supermicrocosms to exist. As an example, a balloon must be filled with a gas (submicrocosms in motion) to withstand the impacts of the surrounding atmosphere. If these submicrocosms were not in motion, they would be compliant and would be compressed together so much that the balloon would collapse and cease to exist as a balloon. In another example, remember that all microcosms have mass, which is defined as the resistance to acceleration. This resistance is provided by submicrocosms that impact the insides of the microcosmic wall, giving it shape as well. These impacts have momenta, P=mv, without which they could not counteract the momenta of the supermicrocosms that collide with the outside walls of the microcosm. In essence, microcosms require univironmental interactions for them to form and to exist. Remember, microcosms are assemblages of their various submicrocosms that came together via convergence and eventually will come apart via divergence per the Sixth Assumption of Science, complementarity (All things are subject to divergence and convergence from other things).

The necessity for submicrocosms to be in constant motion is what makes Finite Particle Theory hopeless speculation. Neomechanics assumes that matter always contains other matter in motion. The neomechanical explanation of the E=mc2 equation maintains that the motion of submicrocosms is transmitted across the microcosmic wall via collisions with supermicrocosms. When the supermicrocosms involved are aether particles, that motion is transmitted at the speed of light. The E=mc2 calculation applies to all microcosms regardless of size. Hypothesized finite particles do not have submicrocosms, so finite particles would have to be bizarre exceptions. Remember also that perfectly solid matter cannot exist—it is simply the ideal end member of the solid matter-empty space continuum. These end members are only ideas. They help us to understand real things—microcosms—that do exist. On the other hand, indeterminists sometimes suggest that ideal solid matter and perfectly empty space are real possibilities. That conjecture is based on absolutism, the indeterministic opposite of the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things).]