Thanks to Rick for this heads-up on the latest
outrage in cosmogony:
Even Doyle Rice, the reporter for USA Today, sounds incredulous:
Talk about a reality check: The entire
universe could be a "vast and complex hologram," scientists reported
Monday. Also, even more unsettling, what we think of as reality may be just an
Rice, Doyle, 2017, Mind
blown: The entire universe could be a hologram: USA Today
For the Oh So Serious
article that got past the reviewers at Physical Review Letters, check this out:
Afshordi, Niayesh, Corianò, Claudio, Delle
Rose, Luigi, Gould, Elizabeth, and Skenderis, Kostas, 2017, From Planck Data to
Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology: Physical Review
Letters, v. 118, no. 4, p. 041301
This type of nonsense is typical of regressive
physicists and cosmogonists who are especially fond of the indeterministic
assumption of immaterialism. The solipsism is in tune with Deepak Chopra, who seems
to think that the existence of the universe depends on his own consciousness.
The universe is an illusion alright—until you bang into something hard that
wakes you up and brings you to your senses.