Blog 20190410 Why do the Big Bang Theory and the Steady State Theory regard the
universe as expanding?
Abhishek Chakravartty asks:
“Can you explain how both the BBT and SST
rely on Einstein’s “Untired Light Theory” to interpret the cosmological redshift
as evidence for an expanding universe?”
This is what I wrote in IUT:
“By 1929, Edwin Hubble
discovered enough galaxies to establish that the degree of redshift also was a
rough inverse function of their luminosity, which is a measure of their distance…
His greatest mistake was to promote Slipher’s speculation that this
cosmological redshift always was due to the Doppler Effect. The title of his
famous 1929 introductory paper says it all: “A relation between distance and
radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae.””
In other words, he initially
assumed the cosmological redshift and the Doppler Effect were one and the same.
But the Doppler Effect only occurs in a medium. Einstein had removed that
possibility by his temporary rejection of aether. A single particle could not
have such an effect. Nonetheless, regressive physicists and cosmogonists
accepted Einstein’s eight ad hocs.[1]
Both BBT and SST assumed that light was a particle instead of what it really
is: a wave in a sea of particles.
Now, the Doppler Effect only occurs
when the source of the wave vibrations in a medium is moving. When it moves
toward you, wave lengths are shortened; when it moves away from you wave
lengths are lengthened. Light from the galaxy Andromeda, for instance, is blue
shifted because Andromeda is moving toward us. The light from most distant
galaxies, however, is redshifted. If the Doppler Effect was the cause,[2]
then these galaxies would be receding from us. Both SST and BBT accept this as
the correct interpretation, with the astounding implication the universe is
expanding in all directions at once.
But according to Infinite
Universe Theory, the redshift measurements (z) obtained by astronomers are the
results of at least three different causes:
1. The Doppler Effect (DE)
2. The gravitational redshift
3. The cosmological redshift (CR)
The simplified
equation for these measurements would have to be something like this:
z = DE + GR + CR (1)
DE, the
Doppler Effect, is a function of velocity. Light sources moving away from us have a
plus velocity, thus producing a redshift; light sources moving toward us have
a minus velocity, thus reflecting a blueshift. Because light from Andromeda is
blueshifted, this factor results in a negative z. Andromeda is relatively close
to us, the other factors produce relatively insignificant contributions to the
measured z. In an infinite universe, half the cosmological objects would be
moving away from us, and half would be moving toward us.[3] Half
would yield redshifts and half would yield blueshifts. That is not observed
because at least two other causes producing redshifting are involved:
GR, the
gravitational redshift, is a function of the mass of the source. In wave
mechanics, ascribed to here, wave velocity is a property of the medium. According
to Infinite Universe Theory, aetherial pressure increases with distance from
baryonic (ordinary) matter. The increasing aetherial pressure causes the
velocity of light to increase with distance from a source. This causes the
distance between waves to increase—a redshift. GR is particularly great for
quasars, which are massive cosmological objects—possibly former nuclei of
galaxies. Quasars are known for these high z values despite their brightness,
which is otherwise a measure of distance. The z measurements for quasars tend
to be overwhelmed by the GR.
CR, the
cosmological redshift, is a function of distance, although cosmogonists
interpret the preponderance of redshift over blue shift in z measurements as
indicating “recessional velocity.” In that interpretation CR and DE are one and
the same. The claim is that most light sources in the universe are going away
from us if the DE was the only phenomenon producing the z measurements.
Miraculously, we would be at the center of a universal expansion. This makes no
sense, especially in view of the fact that over two trillion galaxies have been observed. Those data are better support for Infinite
Universe Theory than for Big Bang Theory, which hypothesizes universal
expansion from a tiny mathematical “singularity.” All these extraordinary
claims are based upon Special Relativity Theory (light is a particle) and
General Relativity Theory (the universe is 4-dimensional “space-time”). The
Doppler Effect occurs only in a medium. The idea that a single particle could
send DE information from galaxy to eyeball is absurd. The eight ad hocs
Einstein used to revive the particle theory also are absurd. As shown by
Sagnac, light must be a wave in the aether.
aether is a superior medium for wave transmission, it is not a perfect one. The
replication of waves through a medium cannot be perfect. A tiny portion of the
motion of the particles constituting the wave within the medium fails to be
involved in the formation of a second wave. We see this sluggishness as an
increase in the distance between subsequent waves (Figure 1). The effect
follows from Newton’s First Law of Motion and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
in which isolated systems only can lose motion; they cannot gain motion without
collisions from some outside the system. Again, for aether this “tired light
effect” is significant only over great distances.
1. Waves in a medium exhibiting redshifting over distance (Borchardt, 2017[4],
Figure 12).
physics lingo the conventional equation for the z for light from any source is:
z = (λobs-
λemited)/λemited (2)
z = (λobs- λemited)/
λemited + (dm λemited)/K (3)
z = measured redshift
λobs = observed
wavelength due to motion of source, m
λemited = wavelength
of light emitted from source, m
d = distance to source, m
m = mass of source, g
Again, note that equation 3
first includes the usual Doppler Effect found for all emitting objects in
motion. As mentioned, its contribution to z can be plus if the object is going
away or minus if it is coming toward the observer.
To the Doppler Effect we must
add the (dm λemited)/K portion of equation 3 to show that the emitted
wave length is increased as a function of distance to the source and its mass.
The constant, K, presently is unknown, but must be in terms of mass (g) and
distance squared (m) for the second term to be unitless like the z term.
The upshot is this: The
expanding universe interpretation is based on the particle theory of light.
Both BBT and SST assumed light was a particle. Once we finally realize light is
wave motion in the aether, the Big Bang Theory and its contradictions will
[1] Einstein’s eight ad hocs (Borchardt,
2017, Table 6).
Unlike other particles, his light
particle always traveled at the same velocity—it never slowed down.
Unlike other particles, it attained this
velocity instantaneously when emitted from a source.
Unlike other particles, it would not take
on the velocity of its source.
Unlike other particles, it was massless.
Unlike other particles, light particles
did not lose motion when they collided with other light particles.
Unlike other particles, any measurement
indicating light speed was not constant had to be attributed to “time
dilation”—another especially egregious ad hoc.
Time was to be considered something other
than motion, for motion cannot dilate.
The claim light speed was constant flew
in the face of all other measurements showing there are no constants in
nature because everything is always in motion. Because the universe is
infinite, every measurement of every so-called “constant” always has a plus
or minus. The velocities for wave motion in any medium are dependent on the
properties of that medium, which vary from place to place.
[2] As instruments
improved, the redshift measurements for distant galaxies became so great that calculated
“recession velocities” were greater than the speed of light. To remove this
absurdity, cosmogonists were unable to use only the Doppler explanation and subsequently
were forced to invent the “expanding space” ad hoc. Perfectly empty space, of
course, cannot expand. This is where “dark energy” came into play. Conceived as
magical, matterless motion, it nonetheless was deemed responsible for pushing
galaxies apart in violation of the Fourth Assumption of
Science, inseparability (Just as there
is no motion without matter, so there is no matter without motion).
[3] Note
this hypothesis would be confirmed if half the distant redshifts decreased and
half increased over time.
[4] Borchardt,
Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive
Science Institute, 349 p. [].