Blog 20200615 Death of the Universe Nonsense Again
Escanlar/Earth-Life Science Institute
it to New Scientist to broadcast the latest woo-woo in cosmogony:
Katie Mack spends her days pondering the end of everything. Whether the cosmos
dies a slow heat death or winks out of existence tomorrow, she finds it helps
put everyday troubles in perspective”
You can even get paid for that? All you have to do is assume the universe had a
beginning like all the other Big Bangers do. Of course, if regressives were not
generating and publishing this nonsense, then New Scientist could not write
about it. Maybe they would have to turn to Jesus stories and homeopathic nostrums
like National Geographic did when Murdoch got hold of it for a couple years.
only thing good about this article is the interview with a woman evangelist
instead of the usual suspects such as the venerable deGrasse.
quotes from cosmogonist Katie Mack:
can say what fraction of the universe’s energy density is matter and what is
radiation, and we found out that a large proportion of the universe is made up
of these invisible substances called dark matter and dark energy.”
Readers know "dark energy" does not exist--it is a calculation.
there are some other big things that we don’t understand?
are also questions around the beginning of the universe. We think that the big
bang, which was the beginning of the universe as we know it, happened about
13.8 billion years ago, and the first tiny fractions of a second after that saw
the universe expand exponentially in a process called inflation. Most
cosmologists agree that it happened, but there’s no solid theory on what would
have caused it.”
surely must have been a miracle.
are several possibilities that I discuss in my book. The one that I think is
most likely based on current data is called the heat death.
the universe is expanding, and if its expansion continues to speed up, then
space will get more and more dilute over time, which is to say there will be
more and more space between each galaxy.”
sure, this is as “diluted” as the universe looks like as far as we can see:[1]
are over 10,000 galaxies seen in this photo of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. It
comprises a tiny patch on the sky 1/10 the size of the Moon.[2] Credit: NASA, ESA.[3]
readers know, the “heat death of the universe” trope is a logical conclusion of
the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that an isolated system only can
undergo an increase in entropy (or disorder). Aside from the Big Bang Theory itself,
that interpretation is one of the greatest achievements of systems philosophy
(overemphasis on the system and underemphasis on the environment). The correct interpretation
is founded on the Sixth Assumption
of Science, complementarity (All things are subject to divergence and
convergence from other things).[4]
It would be nice if
Katie would think a bit more “outside the box,” consider Infinite
Universe Theory, and join us in promoting the Last
Cosmological Revolution.
[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley,
California, Progressive Science Institute, 327 p.
[]. Figure 8.
[3] H. Teplitz and M. Rafelski (IPAC/Caltech), A. Koekemoer (STScI), R.
Windhorst (Arizona State University), and Z. Levay (STScI).
[4] Borchardt, Glenn, 2008, Resolution of the SLT-order paradox,
Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance: Albuquerque, NM, v. 5