Imperfect Transmission of Waves

 PSI Blog 20201019 Imperfect Transmission of Waves


[GB: Another great question from faithful reader Abhishek Chakravartty:]


“On page 55 of IUT, you wrote the following sentences:


"Each wave involves a convergence and divergence that produces the next wave. The next wave is similar to the last one, but it is never identical. What does change is the slight decrease in the ability of a wave to produce the next wave. Eventually, waves spread out from the source, being reproduced in a form not quite as true as the last."


In the above sentences, when you use the words "next wave", it would mean that after a wave is formed around it and so on. But that is not the fact. The fact is that each and every wave is emitted from the source and continues to move away from the source. Then why do you use the words "next wave" instead of the words "same wave at the next position”? Can you please explain this to me in detail?”


[GB: Abhi: There are two different processes occurring here:

1.  Production

2.  Transmission

Waves are produced by the source and transmitted by the medium. Thus, if I drop a pebble into still water, a single T-wave[1] will be produced. The water under the pebble will be displaced, with the surrounding water being pushed back into the hole thus created. This distortion of the surface of the medium affects the surface of the water in all directions, producing peaks and valleys we call waves. However, as this disturbance spreads away from the source the production of each subsequent peak and valley never can be perfect, as mentioned in “Infinite Universe Theory”.[2] This is because the reproduction of any thing or the motion of an thing cannot be perfect, in tune with the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things).


But what about the second part of your question, which involves a source that continually produces new waves? That would be like the light waves continually produced by the sun. It also would be like the waves I would produce by continually dropping a series of pebbles into still water. Each wave, like the one produced by the single pebble, would produce similar imperfect replication of the next.


Why is any of this important? It is extremely important because there is no perfection in Infinite Universe Theory. There is no perfectly empty space, just as there is no perfect reproduction of the waves occurring within the medium making up what, instead, is assumed by Einstein and his regressive followers to be empty space. Waves occur via the multitude of particulate collisions within what constitutes the medium. Per neomechanics,[3] none of these collisions can occur without energy (motion of matter) losses to the macrocosm (aether-2 particles in this case). In wave motion, these losses appear as increases in wavelength (i.e., a redshift). There are many types of redshift, but only one, the cosmological redshift is a direct function of cosmological distance as would be expected for this “imperfect transmission theory.”


So, by tossing out the idea of perfection rampant among cosmogonists we have a logical explanation of the cosmological redshift. We no longer can use the doppler effect or the ridiculous expanding empty space to support the equally ridiculous expanding universe theory. The Big Bang Theory and all its supposed mathematical perfection is destroyed by the imperfections necessary for the Infinite Universe to exist.]




[1] Remember, T-waves are transverse waves. The particles in the medium move up and down, always returning to their previous positions. The disturbance, however, moves in all directions, forming peaks and valleys as it does so. T-waves also are sometimes called shear waves, particularly in seismology. L-waves, on the other hand, are a result of oscillating particle movement in the direction of the disturbance. These are also called longitudinal waves or pressure waves, as in seismology in which they travel faster than T-waves and arrive before the T-waves produced by earthquakes.  

[2] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 337 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook].

 [3] Chapter 11 in Infinite Universe Theory.