Time and “Infinite Universe Theory” get recognized by famous author


PSI Blog 20220131 Time and “Infinite Universe Theory” get recognized by famous author


Thanks to George Coyne for this link to an interview by Richard Owain Roberts of “Tao Lin, author of ten books of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. His most recent novel, Leave Society, was published last August.”




An excerpt:


“ROR: Have you read anything interesting, or have any thoughts, on how time might work?


TL: Glenn Borchardt, author of Infinite Universe Theory, argues that time is simply motion. He says time can’t “flow” because motion can’t flow. He says time doesn’t exist; rather, it occurs. He and others think that Einstein made a mistake when he objectified time into a dimension, possibly leading physicists into a century-plus-long Kuhnian crisis. Russian physicist Nikolai Kozyrev called the aether (a “sea” of undetectably small particles that people, until the twentieth century, believed filled every area of empty space) time, which I find fascinating and want to learn more about.”



[GB: Here is a conversation George had with Tao on Facebook:]


“Hi Glenn,


Here is some of the conversation I had about you on Tao Lin's FB page:

Tao, your interview is great! I emailed your comment to Glenn Borchardt on what you said about his definition of time as the motion of objects. As you know I subscribe to the same view in my book. I am surprised that all scientists have not realized this.



Tao Lin

George Coyne Glad you enjoyed. Thanks for passing my comment to Borchardt. I'll have a ~2.5k word essay on the Big Bang being wrong out soon.




George Coyne

Looking forward to reading it. Please send me a FB message when it comes out. Glenn Borchardt requested the link to your interview with Richard Roberts so I sent it to him. In my view, you are having a very positive impact.



George Coyne”


[GB: Also see Tao’s essay on the demise of the BBT:


https://go.glennborchardt.com/iyl ]