PSI Blog 20220620 Imaginary or Real?
Abhishek asks:
Whom do you call a superintelligent being in the following
"Laplace illustrated his view of determinism by
hypothesizing a super intelligent being that has come to be known as Laplace’s
[GB: Abhi, your question illustrates how difficult it is for
religious folks to distinguish between the imaginary and the real. Obviously, Laplace's
Demon was not real. It was only hypothesized—in other words, simply imagined.
He was not thinking of a devil or a god that actually existed (i.e., had XYZ dimensions
and location with respect to other real things).
As I explained in "Religious Roots of Relativity,"[1] religion is imaginary,
while science is real. Laplace’s Demon is imaginary in the same way gods,
souls, heaven, and hell are imaginary. None of those exist in the real world, although
most folks tend to believe they do. In the book, I presented “The Ten
Assumptions of Religion” as the dialectical opposites of "The Ten
Assumptions of Science." Remnants of those religious assumptions plague physics
and cosmology to this day. That is why Einstein was able to imagine and promote
light as a massless particle traveling perpetually through perfectly empty
space. That imagined particle was accepted in 1905, with it still being
accepted today as the foundation of the silly universal expansion hypothesis and
the resulting Big Bang Theory. That one regressive step in favor of religion
has thrown what is otherwise considered “modern” physics into what I rightly call
“regressive” physics.
So how do we distinguish the imaginary from the real? Here is
a start:
1. Real things have XYZ dimensions; imaginary “things” do not.
2. Real things can be imagined too, but they must be similar to other
real things (e.g., all things contain other things, and thus contain matter and
have mass).
3. All real things are in motion, but motion does not exist, it
4. “Matterless” motion is an oxymoron still common in regressive
physics due to its connection with religious imaginings such as ghosts and
5. All real events are the results of collisions between real
things per causality.]
[1] Borchardt,
Glenn, 2020, Religious Roots of Relativity: Berkeley, California, Progressive
Science Institute, 160 p. [