When will cosmogonists discard the Big Bang Theory?

PSI Blog 20240909 When will cosmogonists discard the Big Bang Theory?


This short video is a good explanation of the current Big Bang Theory (the ɅCDM Model, which includes nonexistent dark energy (Ʌ) and dark matter (DM)) and the “elderly galaxies” problem.


Photo credit: The Secrets Of The Universe, on Facebook.com.


Here are a couple good questions from George Coyne:




Before the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images of early galaxies, the Big Bang Theory (BBT) was asserting that star formation took hundreds of millions of years post BBT to begin forming and galaxies took one billion years to form. But this BBT prediction has been completely invalidated by the JWST images.

Although the creators of this video titled "Webb is Already Breaking Cosmology" support the Big Bang Theory, the narrator states some estimates by astronomers suggest that the JWST could see as far as a redshift of 26, just 120 million years after the Big Bang.


My serious question for you is: If the JWST finds galaxies with billions of stars within the first 100,000 years of the Big Bang, which is ten thousand times less than a billion, would that be sufficient evidence to get astronomers to consider the possibility that the BBT could be wrong? Is there any time frame after the BBT in which the existence of mature galaxies discovered by the JWST would lead its proponents to question its validity?”


Just months into observations, Webb is already breaking cosmology!


[GB: Thanks, George, for another of the many videos timidly challenging the Big Bang Theory. The narrator does a wonderful job of explaining the theory in less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately, despite his hysterical headlines, he has swallowed all the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. He did miss emphasizing the most important proclamation of the theory: that as we look back into the universe, we are supposed to see younger and younger cosmological objects. Instead, all his illustrations are similar to our nearby universe, just as Infinite Universe Theory predicted. Above all, those “Elderly Galaxies” at the limit of observation are not supposed to be there.


Also, those so-called “predictions” concerning the evolution and abundance of elements heavier than helium are better explained by Infinite Universe Theory. Those elements are formed in huge elderly stars billions of years old as a result of things coming together, not exploding apart. Even our own 4.603-billion-year-old Sun does not produce them.


When will cosmogonists cry “uncle” and give up the greatest travesty known to “modern” physics? Just as soon as they become cosmologists instead of cosmogonists (those who assume the universe had a beginning). My prediction of 2050 still stands. That is because the fundamental assumptions underlying what amounts to the “Last Creation Myth” are essentially religious. And you know how difficult it is for a true believer to give that up. With that affliction affecting over 80% of US scientists as well as the rest of the world, it looks like the current spate of irrationality will last at least for another generation. The switch from finity to infinity will change everything, but that occurs one person, one video, and one Blog post at a time.]  



PSI Blog 20240909



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