Further comment on INFINITY from Frederic Frees:

Dear Dr. Borchardt:

Faced with our apparent limitations, I continue to read (in dismay) the arguments by indeterminists of how finite we humans are. This is somehow intended to demonstrate that only God is infinite and that the universe must also be finite as well. But, thanks to TSW and IUT, more examples of infinity become equally apparent. The main argument against an infinite universe always comes back to the illogic of "infinite regress." A secondary argument is our inability to fathom infinity or its implications. But, these same people can sleep and dream as the rest of us do, in and so doing, have the potential to dream anything. As infinite causation influences our dreams, so our capacity to dream (consciously and unconsciously) is also infinite. There are no limitations. The very idea of infinity cannot be such a foreign concept as these indeterminists try to convince us it is. I found this to be true in the opening lines of a poem by William Blake:

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.

Frederic Frees

Excellent comment on the subject. One thing that struck me about infinity is the assumption that there are an infinite number of infinities. One might think that there could be only one infinity, but this is akin to its opposite: finity. One only needs to realize that if there are an infinite number of even numbers, then there are an infinite number of odd numbers as well. As I show in TSW, infinity is necessary for existence. Whether we look to the sky or through a microscope, there is no end to the infinite variety we can see there.


  1. What does an infinite amount of infinities mean exactly? I understand set theory but how can there be infinite infinities? I thought there was nothing beyond infinity but now there are an infinite amount of infinities.. so what's beyond the infinite infinities?

  2. Look at it this way: Anything has within it an infinite number of things. Each is infinitely subdividable. You never reach a point where a thing having xyz dimensions cannot be subdivided. Thus, with an infinite number of things in the universe, you have an infinite number of infinities.

  3. Ok, but that still doesn't answer the question of is there anything beyond the infinite infinities? Maybe like a another concept? What's beyond transfinite numbers? Also is it a absolute impossibility for there to ever be an infinite amount of anything? (ex books, computers etc....)

    Thank you very much by the way for replying so quickly. You are extremely informative and helpful.

  4. Dear Anon:
    Thanks. There is nothing beyond infinities, certainly not concepts, which are purely imaginary. There cannot be an infinite number of any particular type of thing. That is ruled out by the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things). We often tend to view each particular thing as having a finite number of characteristics. However, according to the Eighth Assumption of Science, infinity (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions), we must assume that the number of characteristics is infinite. This is what makes it impossible for any two things to be identical, except in our minds, as in math, etc. For instance, in the infinite universe you may think that there is some probability for there to be two identical anons, each on different planets. Relativism assumes this to be impossible. That is why there are no two snowflakes alike and why “identical twins” always have at least some tiny differences.

    We classify things in categories, not because they are identical, but because they are similar. No matter how many things exist in a category, each will have characteristics that are dissimilar from the others. In Infinite Universe Theory, of course, there are an infinite number of microcosms (xyz portions of the universe). Even so, no two of them can be identical.

  5. So it's not even in the realm of possibility for there to be an infinite amount of any one thing?


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