Is space matter?

PSI Blog 20090930 Is space matter?

Glenn --I recently looked again at your text in Vagabond and I remarked that I missed your important statement: "Space always contains “matter” and matter always contains “space.” Therefore we agree that space is matter."

When space is matter then any motion of matter would be within itself. Still the motion of matter requires dimension outside of matter. Doesn't it contradict the notion that space is matter and matter is space?

Sincerely, William


Good question about an extremely difficult subject to grasp. I think the key to this is the fact that matter is an abstraction, just like “fruit” is an abstraction. In reality, there is no such thing as a “fruit,” there only are individual examples of fruit, such as apples and oranges. So the view that “space is matter” simply means that each xyz portion of space contains within it specific examples of matter, whether it be the nitrogen molecules of air, the ether particles of the intergalactic regions, or the stars of the Milky Way. Each of these “microcosms” must be in motion with respect to all other portions of the universe. There really is no “dimension outside matter”—just more matter. You might find it helpful to think of “empty space” as a scaled-down Milky Way. No matter how small the scale, there is always some matter (like the stars) separated by “empty space” (like the interstellar regions). This is the essence of the consupponible assumptions of INFINITY (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions) and INTERCONNECTION (All things are interconnected, that is, between any two objects exist other objects that transmit matter and motion). Thus we should never think of the universe as really containing solid matter or completely empty space. Those concepts are ideas; the reality always is something in between.

The shorthand notion of “space as matter” is based on the observation that no xyz portion of the universe is completely void of matter. We can’t produce a perfect vacuum and the 2.7oK cosmic background radiation (CBR) tells us that even intergalactic space contains microcosms in motion (completely empty space would have a temperature of 0oK). At the other end of the continuum, black holes, if they exist, could not contain “solid matter” without “empty space.”


  1. Wow! that was so brilliantly explained! Could you suggest me something to read where I could refer on this subject further? :)

    Many thanks :)

  2. Anubha:

    Thanks. For starters you could read "The Ten Assumptions of Science," which is sold as a paperback on Amazon. It also is Ch. 3 in "The Scientific Worldview," also in paperback. "Universal Cycle Theory," written with Steve Puetz is more technical, but explores the ramifications of micro and macro infinity in detail, including the mechanical cause of gravitation. There are eBook versions available as well. All the links are at www.scientificphilosophy.com

  3. 3d bioprinting = Immortality = go to stars


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