Univironmental Magnetism

Dr. Borchardt,

I was wondering how Univironmental Analysis could be applied to magnetism.
I understand the concept that gravity does not utilize any sort of "attraction" as is
commonly believed. But, magnetism is described as having "attraction" and "repulsion," based on like particles and un-like particles. However, I'm unsure if these terms are connotative or denotative. I sense that polarity may have something to do with equilibrium, but I'm not certain of that, either.

Frederic Frees


Thanks for the really tough question. Sorry to say that I know very little about magnetism. You are correct that it must involve a push and not a pull as there are no real pulls in nature. All events, including magnetism, must occur via the equation: F=ma, whereupon one microcosm impacts and changes the motion of another. There may be a few hints for you in “The Physical Meaning of E=mc2” paper at:


Although highly speculative, I think that the vortex model of the electron has merit. If the electron consisted of ether particles forming a vortex of counter-clockwise spin, it would veer left, traveling parallel to other electrons. Positrons are similar, but they have clockwise spin and veer right. With electrons veering left and positrons veering right, their tendency to collide would appear as “attractions.” As shown in the paper, this mechanism seems to explain electron-positron annihilation with the vortex motion being destroyed to produce a wave within the ether. This is the only instance in which one could rightfully claim that “matter turns into motion,” although such is only apparent.

How any of this would work with magnetism, I don’t know. As in gravitation, the “pushers” involved in magnetism are not obvious, there is no annihilation, and there appears to be an infinite number of them. Also, as in gravitation, the “pushers” must lose motion as the result of the F=ma collisions that do the work required to change the position of any microcosm. This would mean that the macrocosm surrounding a magnet would become less effective over time. That is, the pushers in the vicinity eventually would become tired until their motion was replenished by being subjected to collisions with still other pushers. The following is informative:


Whether a permanent magnet or an electro-magnet, both involve moving charges. The movement of those charges affects the macrocosm, disturbing the ether so as to produce the effect. How do they do that? I don’t know. Anyone have an idea (from the UD perspective)?

1 comment:

  1. Frederic Frees is the son of Paul Frees, the man of a thousand voices!


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