Our latest book: Universal Cycle Theory

Steve Puetz and I just published a new book that I am sure you will enjoy (Universal Cycle Theory: Neomechanics of the Hierarchically Infinite Universe). Except for the generalities in "The Scientific Worldview," this is the first book to adhere to "The Ten Assumptions of Science" in developing a theory of the universe to replace the moribund Big Bang. In doing so, we have avoided using any of the nonsense involving more than three dimensions, matterless motion, wave-particle duality, time dilation, matterless fields, and other outrageous claims common to modern physics.

In short, we propose that vortex motion brings aether particles together, forming the less mobile complexes that we call ordinary matter. What we observe as universal gravitation is produced by the still-active aether particles that exist wherever ordinary matter does not. With celestial bodies, complexification is a function of the velocity of vortex rotation, with the density of ordinary matter decreasing with distance from the center. At the same time, the density and activity of aether increases with distance from the center. This produces a “gravitational pressure gradient,” which acts like our own atmospheric pressure gradient—only in reverse. The upshot is that gravitation is a local, albeit pushing, effect. After Steve’s prodding, I came to believe that the Le Sage Theory is untenable. We need not hypothesize gravitons travelling thousands of times the speed of light to account for the observed lack of gravitational aberration. Though fundamental, gravitational theory is only a small part of the book, which proposes a new view of matter and motion at all scales, from the subatomic to the Local Mega-Vortex.

Steve did a super job in getting all this research together during the two years of our collaboration. We did a great deal of brainstorming every step of the way. His previous work on cycles had led him to a belief in the reality of infinity, which is rare among mathematicians. Once he understood that momentum, force, and energy were calculations and neither matter nor motion, we were off to the races… It was a great pleasure working with Steve, a quick study, who could almost instantly grasp the neomechanical reality of the conventional data used to develop the theory. The book has a bit more math than “The Scientific Worldview,” but we have tried to keep most of it in the appendix. The jist of the book is in the first 400 pages.

So far, the reviews have been excellent, in fact, they are great summaries from slightly different perspectives. The videos by Fred Frees, the voice actor, are interesting impressions by an open-minded person who has little training in physics, but nonetheless shows a lot of common sense. Click on this to see more about the book:


  1. A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. See the link below for more info.


  2. "The religious are the first that not belief in God, thus the Inquisitionn, thus they abuse of the innocents, thus they mislead to the foolish and thus they buy to the folks (Galileo Galilei)"... IT´S TRUTH THAT RELIGION IS LIE


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