Why do satellites stay in orbit?

Henk writes:

Glenn, thanks for the reply. What about satellites circling around the earth? They don't fall to the earth. Why is aether pushing to the earth? I don't understand that. 

Remember that the Neomechanical Theory of Gravitation states that aether pressure varies according to the Gravitational Pressure Gradient (GPG). The activity of aether is greatest where matter density is the lowest. It is the inverse of atmospheric pressure, which is greatest where matter density is the highest—near the surface of Earth. This occurs because matter is complexed aether. The aether particles within complexes have less activity, that is less motion than free aether particles. Heavy objects are pushed to Earth because the aether particles on the side away from Earth are more active than the ones closer to Earth. In other words, the pressure and density of aether is inversely related to distance from Earth.

Satellites stay in orbit because they are part of a hugh aether vortex. The sluggish particles of complexed aether are pushed toward the center of the vortex. See www.scientificphilosophy.com for the water vortex illustration of how this happens. As in the water vortex, free aether particles rotate with the vortex. Particles of medium density and diameter rotate at some distance from the axis where there are as many water molecules or aether particles moving away from the axis as toward it. Another way of visualizing this is to imagine that all the giga-trillions of aether particles also are frozen in space, rotating with Earth as if the satellite was part of a rotating metal disc. Still another way of visualizing it is to imagine the classic “round-up” that is necessary to stop a herd of cattle for the night. Cowboys on one side of the herd speed the animals on that side until the herd moves in a circle. An animal caught in the middle of the herd has no choice but to also move in a circle. The pressures on both sides are equal, being part of a larger motion.


  1. I would expect the vortex to be aligned with the rotational axis of the earth. If that is so, how can satellites stay in polar orbit?

  2. Harry, to understand gravitation, begin thinking about a vortex as a motion in a continuum between the two ideals of (a) infinitely fast rotation and (b) no rotation. Gravitation is different for every vortex. The shape of the vortex indicates its relative rotational velocity -- as well as the hypothesized distribution of aether surrounding it. According to neomechanical theory, the aether is inversely proportional to the density of the baryonic matter in and around the microcosm.

    Where the Vortex resides in the continuum is important. On one end of the continuum, we have quasars, spiral galaxies, and developing stars -- these being extremely oblate rapidly rotating microcosms. Of the opposite side of the continuum, we have non-rotating microcosms like star clusters and Venus. The aether that surrounds each of the microcosms in this continuum has a different shape -- depending on its place in the continuum.

    Earth rotates slow enough that it resides on the vortex-continuum at the end close to Venus. Earth is essentially the solidified spherical core of a 4.5 billion year old vortex. Because Earth is close to being spherical, the distribution of aether around it would be inverse the Earth's shape -- making Earths' aether-vortex nearly spherical as well. Hence, there is no problem for satellites orbiting around its poles.

    Conversely, objects would have much greater difficulty orbiting around the poles of a rapidly rotating vortex -- such as a quasar or spiral galaxy. In fact, I suspect that if a star crossed the path of an axial-jet ejected from a pole of a quasar of spiral galaxy, the jet would probably blow the star apart!


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