Types of Redshift in an Aether Medium (Part 3)

Type IV  The Cosmic Redshift

The cosmic redshift (Figure 1) supposedly indicates that the universe is expanding. Once we confirm the true cause of this type of redshift, it will mean the end of the expansion hypothesis and the Big Bang Theory. According to neomechanics, we assume that the cosmic redshift cannot be a result of any one of the other types of redshift. In an infinite non-hierarchical universe, of course, with microcosms moving in all directions there still would be Doppler Effects. Half would be blueshifts and half would be redshifts.  The cosmic redshift cancels out some of the blueshift of light from objects moving toward us, and adds to the redshift of light from objects moving away from us. The cosmic redshift also must include the small redshift produced by all luminous objects as their light encounters denser aether when it leaves the baryonic-rich environs of the source.

The rest of each cosmic redshift obviously reflects the great distances involved. In neomechanics, no microcosm or motion of microcosms could travel from point A to B without losses. Perfect transmission of matter or the motion of matter, like perfectly empty space, is only an idealist’s dream—a dream that Hubble himself refused to accept. He totally rejected the oft-repeated claim by regressive physicists and cosmogonists that he had discovered that the universe was expanding. This put him squarely in the “tired light” camp, which eschews perfect light transmission.

As the holy grail of efforts to undermine the Big Bang Theory, there have been numerous attempts to explain the cosmic redshift because of tired light, without much success. One example is the Shapiro Effect, which is a time delay observed for light as it passes through the atmosphere of a cosmic body[3]. The Shapiro Effect, however, is simply another manifestation of the misnamed “gravitational redshift.” As I explained above, light slows down and is blueshifted as it nears a massive body and enters the atmosphere. It speeds up again and is redshifted when it leaves the massive body. The blueshift and redshift cancel each other out, although the atmospheric entrance and exit takes extra time causing the “Shapiro Delay.” It is true, as Jerrold Thacker says, that light probably will traverse many of these atmospheres during its 13.8-Ga travels. Again, that would cause a time delay, but would not cause a redshift.

In seeking the cause of the cosmic redshift, we need not concern ourselves with corpuscular theory. That is because we assume light to be motion: a wave in the aether. For light to be transmitted as a wave for over 13 billion years without losing motion, each of those waves would have to be reproduced perfectly. That simply cannot happen. When it doesn’t, there is no mechanism by which a wave could gain energy, but the imperfection of the transmission guarantees many ways it could lose energy. In wave transmission, energy losses show up as increases in wavelength. Waves are always made up of individual microcosms, which transfer the motion from microcosm-to-microcosm as seen in Wikipedia demonstrations.[4] Each of those collisions is susceptible to the six neomechanical interactions that I outlined in TSW.[5] Because aether particles are extremely dense (Planck density is 1094g/cm3), the absorption of motion internally would be slight and would not be noticed for short distances. There have been apparently unverified claims (I have no scientific reference) that sound wave frequency decreases over distance even though the effect is tiny and seldom noticed.[6] According to neomechanics, all wave motion should be redshifted over distance—references anyone? In any case, the upshot is that the only thing preventing us from understanding the cosmic redshift is aether denial.]

Figure 1. Cosmic redshift showing spectra lines for various elements being shifted to the red (long wavelength) end of the spectrum. Note that the actual colors in this Wikipedia demonstration have not been changed. From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift.

[3] Thacker, Jerrold, 2013, The Shapiro Effect: Why Light From Distant Galaxies Is Redshifted ( http://www.ourcivilisation.com/thacker/shapiro.htm ), v. 2013, no. 0831.

[5] Borchardt, Glenn, 2007, The Scientific Worldview: Beyond Newton and Einstein: Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, p. 127-151.


  1. Thanks for the extensive explanations about Redshift. I've been traveling in Mexico and not checking on your blog regularly, so I apologize for not responding sooner. A follow-up question is, how does your explanation of imperfect transmission of light (per the last paragraphs) differ from the Tired Light hypotheses you mentioned?

  2. Thanks for the great question Bill.

    Zwicky’s 1929 Tired Light Theory (TLT) was based on Einstein’s corpuscular theory of light (photons). Construed as particles, light would have properties similar to other objects (microcosms). Thus, a photon traveling to your eye all the way from a distant galaxy over billions of years would be expected to collide with other photons and other microcosms in the intervening space. Like all microcosms, these hypothetical objects would transmit some of their motion to other microcosms, both externally and internally, as shown in my chapter on neomechanics. However, there is no evidence that this happens. Our conclusion must be that light is not a particle.

    Despite the fact that the lack of evidence for TLT proves that light is not a particle, regressive physicists continue to hold fast to Lavoisier and Einstein’s claim that light is a particle. The photon idea is the essence of relativity. Once that disappears, many of the more ridiculous claims of relativity will disappear as well. At last, we will be rid of the wave-particle paradox.

    For those of us without photon blinders, light is clearly a wave in a sea of aether particles. Light is analogous to sound, which is the wave motion in a sea of air molecules. I imagine that if Einstein was describing sound, he would have to claim that it was caused by “soundons”. The light that leaves the distant galaxy is not a particle that travels from galaxy to eye, just as the sound that I make is not a particle that travels from lips to ear. Both light and sound are wave motions. Neither light nor sound exists, they occur. Light and sound are not xyz parts of the universe, they are what certain parts of the universe do.

    Motion, like matter, cannot undergo perfect transmission from point A to point B. To have perfect transmission, each subsequent wave within a medium would have to be a perfect image of the previous wave. This is just as impossible as perfection is impossible. Any breakdown in transmission would produce delays and therefore longer waves. Breakdowns in transmission would never produce miraculous speedups and shorter waves. Thus, wave motion is naturally red-shifted over distance, depending on the medium.

    This has some of the characteristics of TLT, but it has some that are not. For instance, the “energy” of waves decreases with distance, producing longer waves. On the other hand, the velocity of wave motion is dependent on the medium. Unless the properties of the medium change over distance, the velocity remains constant. In general, those are characteristic of the light from distant galaxies.


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