Vortex Rotation and Accelerated Expansion

Blog 20140507 

From Keith Pifer:

Is it plausible that it could be as simple as a cd shattering, to explain accelerated expansion? That all the matter was "spinning" at speed that caused it to shatter similar to a disc spinning at such a rate it explodes. It seems to work with the natural laws I understand, so sorry if it seems silly, but how will I know if I don't ask.


Thanks for the question. The accelerated expansion is only one of the many paradoxes offered by the Big Bang Theory (BBT). For me, the most vexing was the explosion of everything out of nothing or the idea of making something by blowing it apart instead of putting it together. Things form through convergence per the Sixth Assumption of Science, complementarity (All things are subject to divergence and convergence from other things.) Since adopting the Infinite Universe Theory, those contradictions are not of any concern to us at PSI. Unlike the Big Bangers, we do not dismiss the Fifth Assumption of Science, conservation (Matter and the motion of matter can be neither created nor destroyed), otherwise known as the First Law of Thermodynamics. The opposing, indeterministic assumption is creation, which is one reason the BBT is so popular.

Accelerated expansion is particularly silly because it would be a violation of Newton’s Second Law of Motion, which states that acceleration only results after one body collides with another. We included vortex theory in our most recent book ("Universal Cycle Theory: Neomechanics of the Hierarchically Infinite Universe"). However, vortices tend to do the opposite of what you suggest. An increase in rotation rate pushes large, heavy objects to the center of a vortex (e.g., the Sun is 99% of the mass of the solar system) in a process called “accretion.” There is a demonstration video on our website. As the rotation rate slows, a vortex may lose matter in a process called “excretion,” which sometimes involves an explosion similar to what you suggest.

Initial increases in rotation rate are the result of glancing collisions in which one vortex cloud rotates clockwise, while the other rotates counterclockwise. Additional collisions produced by impacting objects from outside the vortex also can speed the rotation rate via changes in angular momentum. Note that changes in rotation rate would not occur without some macrocosmic (external) influence. Of course, as the archetype of systems philosophy, the finite universe of the BBT does not have a macrocosm. By definition, no outside influence exists that could change the rotation rate. Contradictions like this seem to be leading cosmologists toward Infinite Universe Theory by the back door. Hence, the invention of the oxymoronic terms “multiverses” and “parallel universes.”
Keith, your question shows that like other thinkers, you are perplexed by current theory, searching for a way out. It reminds me of the time in 1978 when I tried something similar when I was still a believer in the BBT. Not swallowing the 4-D stuff, I imagined that light from the old galaxies at the edge of the universe would precede the expansion. Photons from those galaxies would collide to produce new galaxies. In the process of analyzing the fundamental assumptions of the BBT and writing "The Scientific Worldview" I gave up on that idea altogether.

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