Neomechanical Possibilities

Blog 20150916 Neomechanical Possibilities

Revised 2015-09-28

With strict application of the Ten Assumptions of Science[1] in neomechanics, we discover that there are numerous possibilities otherwise denied by various indeterminists. We have mentioned many of these throughout our books and within the first 332 Blog entries. There you will find detailed arguments in favor of these possibilities. I put them here in short form as a convenient reference list. I expect to add to this frequently, since determinists (scientists) continually produce new data that requires interpretation.

1. You are unique. Another person exactly like you does not and will not exist anywhere in the universe.

2. Action at a distance is impossible.

3. All electrons are unique.

4. All things have xyz dimensions and location with respect to other things.

5. Clocks flown in jets around Earth proved nothing with regard to relativity.

6. Dark energy does not exist.

7. Discovery of the gravitational redshift proved that light velocity increases with distance from Earth.

8. Eddington proved that the Sun’s atmosphere could produce refraction.

9. Energy does not exist; it is a calculation.

10. Energy does not have mass; it is a calculation.

11. Energy does not occur; it is a calculation.

12. Evolution is irreversible.

13. Extrasensory perception is impossible.

14. Evolution cannot stop.

15. Fields contain matter.

16. Force does not exist; it is a calculation.

17. Force does not occur; it is a calculation.

18. There was no first cause.

19. Gravitation is a push.

20. Gravitation is not an attractive force.

21. Gravitation is caused by aethereal pressure, which increases with distance from ordinary matter.

22. Humanity is becoming increasingly civilized.

23. Humanity will not commit suicide.

24. Ideal objects do not exist.

25. If the universe were infinite, only univironmentally possible things would exist.

26. Individual photons do not exist.

27. It is not possible to travel back in time.

28. It is not possible to make perfect predictions.

29. No two snowflakes are identical.

30. Light does not have mass; it is motion.

31. Light is not a particle; it is the motion of particles.

32. Light is not a wave-particle; it is the motion of particles.

33. Matter and mass are not identical.

34. Matter cannot be turned into energy.

35. Matter is infinitely subdividable; a finite, solid particle cannot exist.

36. Measurement errors never can be eliminated entirely by improvements in technique.

37. Motion does not have mass.

38. Motionless matter is not possible.

39. Matterless motion is not possible.

40. Momentum does not exist; it is a calculation.

41. Momentum does not occur; it is a calculation.

42. Nonexistence is impossible.

43. Perfect precision is impossible.

44. Perfectly empty space does not exist.

45. Perfectly solid matter does not exist.

46. Photons do not exist.

47. All events have causes.

48. Spacetime does not exist; it is an idea.

49. Spacetime does not occur; it is an idea.

50. The Big Bang Theory will be replaced by Infinite Universe Theory.

51. The brain is a thing but the mind is the motion within the brain.

52. The cosmic redshift is due to tired light.

53. The cosmic redshift is not due to the expansion of space.

54. The Higgs boson does not give mass to matter.

55. The Tired Light Theory is correct.

56. The universe did not begin; much less with a “quantum fluctuation.”

57. The universe consists of space; time is not a thing.

58. The universe did not explode out of nothing.

59. The universe did not have a beginning.

60. The universe has three dimensions.

61. The universe is eternal.

62. The infinite universe cannot expand.

63. The universe is infinite.

64. The universe will not end in “heat death.”

65. The universe will not have an ending.

66. The unobserved quantum particle exists.

67. The velocity of light is not constant.

68. There are a infinite number of causes for every event.

69. There are only three dimensions.

70. There are no multiverses.

71. There are no parallel universes.

72. There is no free will.

73. There is an aether.

74. There is evidence for aether.

75. Time cannot dilate; time is motion, it is not a thing.

76. Time is not a mysterious object; time is motion, it is not an object.

77. Wave-particles cannot produce the Doppler Effect, which is produced by waves in media filled with particles.

78. We do not need free will to make decisions.

79. Without the illusion of free will, society will be much improved.

80. Without relativity, the Global Positioning System (GPS) does just fine with classical mechanics.

81. Wormholes are imaginings of especially gullible regressive physicists.

82. You exist; the event of your birth does not.

83. You will be able to think of more possibilities:


[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2004, The ten assumptions of science: Toward a new scientific worldview: Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 125 p.

---, 2007, The Scientific Worldview: Beyond Newton and Einstein: Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 411 p. [ http://www.scientificphilosophy.com/The%20Scientific%20Worldview.html ]


  1. Ok, I will bite.
    " 1. A person exactly like you does not and will not exist anywhere in the universe." T, if speaking of other than myself.
    "2. Action at a distance is impossible." F, how else do you explain the Aspect experiment results?
    "3. All electrons are unique." T in space and time. Otherwise they are physically identical, except for positions in "orbits" where they vary in a relative way from each other.

  2. Comment 20150928a Bligh.htm

    You wrote: Ok, I will bite.
    " 1. A person exactly like you does not and will not exist anywhere in the universe." T, if speaking of other than myself.

    [GB: Good catch, it should be “Another person” instead of “A person”. Thanks.]

    "2. Action at a distance is impossible." F, how else do you explain the Aspect experiment results?

    [GB: All so called “action at a distance” claims depend on aether denial. That is another reason that aether is required. Without it, you just have the “spookiness” that even Einstein decried.]

    "3. All electrons are unique." T in space and time. Otherwise they are physically identical, except for positions in "orbits" where they vary in a relative way from each other.

    [GB: All microcosms are unique per the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things). This follows from the Eighth Assumption of Science, infinity (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions) and its assertion that matter is infinitely subdividable and infinitely integrable. With regard to electrons, I once calculated that an electron consists of 10^20 aether particles (from Planck’s constant and the known mass of the electron). That involves an extremely low probability for two electrons to have the same number of aether particles, particularly when the aether particles on the electron surface are constantly coming and going.]


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