Planck's smallest unit of motion

Blog 20151007 Planck's smallest unit of motion

Bill Westmiller writes:

GB: "... aethereal collisions are the “smallest unit of motion.” ..."

BW: If there is an infinite reduction in aether-1, -2, ad infinitum, then there is no  "smallest unit" to move. I suppose you could have discrete "levels" of  motion at each nominal size of aether particles, but my point is that your  assertion of a smallest unit of mass or motion is NOT consistent with infinity.

[GB: You are right that, according to the Eighth Assumption of Science, infinity (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions), there really can be no “smallest unit of motion,” just as there can be no “smallest particle” or “finite particle.” Of course, Planck was only dealing with the smallest detectable motions, which we assume to be aether-1 collisions with ordinary matter. The constituents of aether-1 particles must be aether-2 particles, which we probably will never be able to detect. We need to hypothesize this infinite regression because, in Infinite Universe Theory, matter always comes from other matter. Unlike the regressive physicists, we do not hypothesize that matter can be formed from “nothing” or from magical “quantum fluctuations” or “virtual particles.”

Planck and others assumed that these “smallest detectable units of motion” were produced by photons. But photons do not exist, just like “soundons” do not exist. Light, like sound, is wave motion in a medium consisting of particles undergoing random motions. Also, motion does not have mass. That is why Einstein’s imaginary photon had to be massless. I suggest that the collisions responsible for the photoelectric effect are aethereal collisions. An advantage of this view is that, by using Planck’s constant, one can calculate the properties of what we presume to be the aether particle (e.g., m = 10-48 g, etc.).]

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