Evidence of synchronous, decadal to billion year cycles in geological, genetic, and astronomical events

Blog 20151118 Evidence of synchronous, decadal to billion year cycles in geological, genetic, and astronomical events

That mouthful above is the title of a technical paper we published last year:

Puetz, Stephen J., Prokoph, Andreas, Borchardt, Glenn, and Mason, Edward W., 2014, Evidence of Synchronous, Decadal to Billion Year Cycles in Geological, Genetic, and Astronomical Events: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, v. 62–63, p. 55-75 [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2014.04.001].

Here are the highlights:

• Observations of period-tripled fractals in natural events.
• Use of spectral analysis techniques to detect fractal patterns.
• Similar periodicity found among astronomical, geological, and biological events.
• The similarities suggest a single unknown cause for the patterned formations.
• Chaos theory and bifurcation theory best explain these surprising fractals.

And here is the Abstract:

Studies on continuously improving records of geological, biological, and astronomical events and processes led to increased awareness of common cycles in the records. Here we enhance the analytical scope of earlier discoveries by showing that most of these cycles occur in unison, as a harmonic series. Furthermore, we consider them universal because extra-terrestrial cycles involving quasar and star formation exhibit comparable periods to terrestrial cycles involving volcanism, extinction patterns, and genetic development. The cycles oscillate in multiples of three, cascading into a period-tripled set of cycles. We provide one equation combining the characteristics of 32 theoretical cycles, with periods ranging from 57.3 years to 1.64 billion years. Our statistical tests show that the astronomical and geological cycles are phase-locked synchronously, while the biological cycles lag. This synchrony suggests a common astronomical cause for geological and biological cycles. Along with the synchrony, the extensiveness of the observed period-tripling indicates that self-similar patterns develop at a universal scale. This suggests that divisible matter is distributed fractally throughout the universe, as postulated by fractal cosmologies, bifurcation theory, and chaos theory.

Recently, we got this email from Elsevier, the publisher:


The most popular recent articles in your field published by US-based authors

Dear Mr Puetz,

As a thank you for contributing to Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena, we are pleased to bring you ScienceDirect's 10 most downloaded Physics articles published since 1 January 2014 by authors based in the US. These articles - if not already available via open access licenses - are freely available to download and share until 15 January 2016.

We hope that these articles provide a useful overview of the latest research in your field. They are only a small sample of the 13 million publications available via Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform, used by over 15 million people worldwide.

We look forward to receiving your next submission.

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Nicoline van der Linden M. Sc.
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Top 10 most downloaded Physics articles published since 1 January 2014 by US-based authors.

·         Distance probes of dark energy
Wow! Congrats to Steve, Andreas, and Ed!


  1. is this anything like Climate Models?

  2. Not quite. Most current climate models seem to focus on carbon. Steve's data are much more all-inclusive, going back hundreds of millions of years. In future Blogs, I will highlight papers that we did on the cycles involving glaciations and magnetic reversals of the north and south poles. With over 5,000 downloads on the first paper, Steve is becoming recognized as the expert in universal cycle theory.

  3. parallel universes necessary to Immortality


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