Meet George Coyne

Blog 20160302 Meet George Coyne

George came to our attention through his insightful analyses of physics and cosmology based on the Ten Assumptions of Science. We suspect that he could recite them verbatim by now. His comments and guest Blogs always were right on. George's story below is strikingly similar to that of other PSI members: an inquiring mind from an early age and not one to accept paradox and contradiction as the natural state of the universe. George has agreed to head the Vancouver Regional Office of PSI. If you are in the area and need one of our books quickly, be sure to look him up. This is his story:

Since my teens, I've been exploring the wonders of the ways that we as microcosms connect to our macrocosm. This has taken the form of my formal academic pursuits in psychology and my self-education in philosophy, cosmology and theoretical physics.

By age four, I started thinking about what was beyond the furthest place I could imagine. I believed that there was always something further out. I did not know the word “infinity” at that age but that is what I was trying to imagine.

In 1964 at age 11, I did a “thought experiment” to understand the nature of “time”. I wanted to know whether I could connect that moment in “time” with myself in 20 years, and be able to know what I was experiencing at that moment twenty years later, while connecting the 1984 self to the 1964 self. I still recall what I was thinking when the 1964 photo was taken and when I concluded the experiment in 1984.

Since age 15 I stopped believing that time was a "thing" that flowed. At age 16 in an essay on time I stated that I did not know what it was and that although explanations for it will change, what the word refers to will be the same. By age 20, I was sure that all accepted definitions for time were complete nonsense and what they described did not exist.

I next began seeking definitions for “matter” “energy” and “space”. I was unable to find any that made sense. It appeared that scientists had no idea as to how these words had any relationship to what was occurring in the universe. They seemed to be using their academic power to give credence to being authorities on these topics. In my early twenties, I began reading Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Physics books. Most of the QM books were on the Copenhagen Interpretation. I never saw how this explanation was remotely possible. By 1981, I became interested in David Bohm's physics as a result of finding out that we shared a similar philosophical life view. I was very impressed with “The Undivided Universe” that he co-wrote with Basil Hiley in 1993 because it did not contain paradoxes such as wave-particle duality or contradictions in interpreting QM.

In 2014, I began corresponding with Dr. David Peat, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._David_Peat , Director of The Pari Centre for New Learning. He co-wrote “Science, Order, and Creativity “with David Bohm and other books on Bohm's ideas. I was impressed with his idea of “gentle action”. He explains it: “Since an objective "problem" no longer lies outside us, in some external and objective domain, what is now required is an action that arises out of the whole of the situation and is not fragmented or separated from it.” The same year I googled “time is motion” to see if anyone else shared my view. Discovering this website, I began posting comments on it. I have also contributed many blogs, including one co-written with Glenn. http://thescientificworldview.blogspot.ca/2016/02/matter-and-motion-are-abstractions.html

I was impressed with Steven Bryant's 2016 “Disruptive: Rewriting the Rules of Physics” and was happy to see him quote my support for his ideas on the back cover.

George Coyne
Delta, B.C. Canada

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