The Scientific Revolution: Galileo and Truth

Blog 20160608 The Scientific Revolution: Galileo and Truth

Occasionally, I become aware of other blog posts that are so apropos that readers expecting the eventual demise of cosmogony will appreciate them. I get informative emails from the Library of Social Science, which produces some intriguing analyses, mostly concerning social conflict. Of course, anyone interested in scientific philosophy already knows about the Galileo Affair, but this well-done summary is the best I have seen. When reading it, just think of the “Regressive Physics Establishment” in place of the “Catholic Church.” There are numerous similarities to the current situation.

By Robert Langdon

The article has some pungent lessons we should never forget:

What one sees and what is true may be entirely different. It seems that the Sun is revolving around the Earth.
Everyone in a given society may be wrong. What members of a culture believe—and what is actually the case—may be different.
When the truth contradicts what people believe, they tend to abandon the truth.
People tend to refuse to consider evidence—if what they might discover contradicts what they believe.

 Refusing to look through Galileo's telescope:

Here it is the entire post:


Details on the author, Robert John Langdon (info courtesy of Bill Westmiller):

 "With my new  book (Dawn of the Lost Civilisation) due to be published next month (21st June  2016) - I thought I would share this historical FACT that most academics like to  forget! Galileo and Truth ..." https://plus.google.com/+RobertJohnLangdon-author/posts

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Bill Westmiller for this:

    I don't know why it isn't credited, but it's one chapter from a
    forthcoming book by Robert Langdon:

    "With my new book (Dawn of the Lost Civilisation) due to be published new month (21st June 2016) - I thought I would share this historical FACT that most academics like to forget! Galileo and Truth ... " https://plus.google.com/+RobertJohnLangdon-author/posts


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