Quantum mechanics discovers soul

Blog 20160817 Quantum mechanics discovers soul
[GB: Thanks to Fred Frees for this latest woo-woo in regressive physics.]:
Physicists Claim that Consciousness Lives in Quantum State After Death”
“Testimonials from prominent physics researchers from institutions such as Cambridge University, Princeton University, and the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich claim that quantum mechanics predicts some version of “life after death.”
“They assert that a person may possess a body-soul duality that is an extension of the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles.”
“Although there is no definitive concrete evidence for this theory, one could arguably afford some weight to these claims if some of the most brilliant minds in quantum mechanics believe that it is consistent with the general patterns and trends of modern science. If proven, this theory could have monumental implications; if humans do “download” their consciousness into a thus far unobservable field, then a person’s consciousness could, in Dürr’s [former head of Max Planck] words, truly be immortal.”
All this mixing of science and religion is a blatant example of why regressive physics has been so popular and long-lasting. None of this speculation could be possible for anyone who adhered to "The Ten Assumptions of Science.”[1] I have chastised wave-particle duality here and here. The nonsensical duality is simply a product of aether denial. Here is my piece on “The soul of regressive physics.”
Because the “testimonials from prominent physics researchers” were so preposterous, I asked our discussion group if they thought that maybe the reporter was pulling our legs and that the whole thing was a fake:
In response, Rick Dutkiewicz wrote this:
“I don't think it's fake. Plenty of people believe in duality. Throw in a belief in quantum fluctuation between existence and non-existence, and you can pretty much make up anything you like.
Like the physicist who asserted that quantum "reality" allows for a toaster oven (or was it a clock radio?) to materialize from the "void" of outer space. 
He allows that it is an infinitesimally slight chance, but in his mind there is absolutely a chance of complex objects materializing from nothingness. Man, if that doesn't tell you to examine your premises, I don't know what does.

A perfect illustration of indeterminism and what it leads to. If it all wasn't so ridiculously funny, I'd have to cry.

But then I stop laughing and I think:

This type of thinking is what supports every religion. "Let's just make up some untestable bullshit, and we'll teach that to our children as the ultimate truth".
Too often those religions support violence, mutilation, psychological torture, dominance, war-mongering, terrorism, and a constant state of fear in many a human heart.

Keep fighting the good fight against this type of thinking which causes so much needless pain.
And don't forget to live well; eat, work, play, drink, dance, and buy a new guitar now and then.”

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2004, The ten assumptions of science: Toward a new scientific worldview: Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 125 p. [http://www.scientificphilosophy.com/].


1 comment:

  1. To a conservative this kind of thinking reminds me of the political correctness of the millenlials. Just not real world experience tied in with emotional rather than rational thinking.


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