“Gravitational waves” once again confirm the presence of aether

PSI Blog 20170614 “Gravitational waves” once again confirm the presence of aether

In PSI Blog 20160217 LIGO: Gravitational attraction is dead I commented on the initial discovery of “gravitational waves,” which were supposedly predicted by Einstein. I pointed out that the attraction hypothesis was dead because we were not “attractive” enough to pull anything toward us. I also pointed out that the discovery amounted to a confirmation of the existence of aether.

Some dissident physicists doubted that the experimental data were valid. Now, this third detection seems to confirm the first two. Astute reader Arus wanted me to comment on the latest result, which was the subject of this BBC report:

The reporter writes that “It is the third time now that the labs' laser instruments have been perturbed by the warping of space-time.” Now, in GRT space is perfectly empty and spacetime is too. So, the “perturbing” does not make any sense. “Perturbing” can only occur when something collides with something else. The report says that “two times the mass of the Sun were converted into deformations in the shape of space.” That would be remarkable for space that is devoid of anything at all. That was Einstein’s original view, but most dissidents know that he recanted it in 1920:

“Careful reflection teaches us that special relativity does not compel us to deny ether. We may assume its existence but not ascribe a definite state of motion to it ..." "There is a weighty reason in favour of ether. To deny ether is to ultimately assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatever."[1]

The popular press, as reflected in this “Einstein is always right” article, does not seem to know that. Instead, they push the usual stuff about sensing “the distortions in space-time” and the view that the collisions of cosmic bodies might “vibrate the very fabric of the cosmos.” Of course, all that is happening is the vibration of the aether that pervades the entire universe. Empty space could not have vibrations, which must involve compression and expansion of a medium (see figure).

There is one detail about this “gravitational wave” we need to address. The BBC says that “Einstein's general theory of relativity forbids any dispersion from happening in gravitational waves as they move out from their source through space towards Earth.” In fact, Bangalore Sathyaprakash, a LIGO team member said: "Our measurements are really very sensitive to minute differences in the speeds of different frequencies but we did not discover any dispersion, once again failing to prove that Einstein was wrong..." This is typical of most “Einsteinisms” (right for the wrong reason). Dispersion or refraction occurs when aethereal wave motion encounters high concentrations of baryonic (ordinary matter). That is what happens when light travels through water, bending the image of the submerged end of your fishing pole. The speed of light in water is 225 million m/s, while it is 300 million m/s in air. The frequency of light in water is the same as it is in air—only its wavelength decreases.

Let me sum up. LIGO is simply detecting the result of a cosmic collision, which has converted some microcosmic motion to macrocosmic motion in the aether. It has nothing to do with gravitation other than that the resulting wave motion is being transmitted by the aethereal medium, which is responsible for the local pressure differences that cause gravitation.[2]

[1] Einstein, Albert, 1920, Ether and the Theory of Relativity: An address delivered on May 5th, 1920, in the University of Leyden [http://bit.ly/AE20ether]. 
[2] Borchardt, Glenn, and Puetz, Stephen J., 2012, Neomechanical gravitation theory, in Volk, Greg, Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, 19th Conference of the NPA, 25-28 July: Albuquerque, NM, Natural Philosophy Alliance, Mt. Airy, MD, v. 9, p. 53-58 [http://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3991.0483].

1 comment:

  1. Wrong again!
    1) There is no such thing as empty space. Space is infinite and filled with an oscillation field.
    2) The perturbing is in the medium, the field.
    3) Gravity waves are really changes in the fundamental field. The waves are alteration of the state of the medium. There is no dispersion of the effect (as an frequency loss that we can detect)although there maybe one on a much larger scale. There are no free lunches.
    4)Space is an abstract idea of what are differences in position between objects.It is passive. There has never been any proof of "Space" itself contracting or expanding. Unless you still a Big Banger.
    5) The speed of light is the transmission speed of information in the fundamental field (medium) It does not vary. When EM interacts, as in a glass prism, the SOL is unchanged in the medium. The frequency and wavelengths (together by the way, they are always reciprocals (and the idea that they can vary from one another is the most unscientific thing I have ever read in this blog). The interactions of EM and particles in the medium is where there is a delay in the wave. In between interactions the SOL remains constant at 300Km/sec. The change in direction and frequency is due to the particle releasing the wave after a slight delay and with a different energy.
    This is modern physical theory but including the fundamental field (FF)as described by yours truly in a book to be released, who knows when.


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