Quantum Mechanics Crashes into Infinity

PSI Blog 20170719 Quantum Mechanics Crashes into Infinity

Another good one from George Coyne:

“Here is an article by Steven Weinberg from Jan 19, 2016

Chapter 1 The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics

Here is an excerpt:

"The trouble is that in quantum mechanics the way that wave functions change with time is governed by an equation, the Schrödinger equation, that does not involve probabilities. It is just as deterministic as Newton’s equations of motion and gravitation. That is, given the wave function at any moment, the Schrödinger equation will tell you precisely what the wave function will be at any future time. There is not even the possibility of chaos, the extreme sensitivity to initial conditions that is possible in Newtonian mechanics. So if we regard the whole process of measurement as being governed by the equations of quantum mechanics, and these equations are perfectly deterministic, how do probabilities get into quantum mechanics?"

[GB: Thanks George for the nice illustration of the regressive quandary that mathematicians get into when infinity raises its ever-present head. Remember that neomechanics is simply the addition of our assumption of infinity (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions) to classical mechanics. This is consupponible with our revised assumptions of causality (All effects have an infinite number of material causes) and uncertainty (It is impossible to know everything about anything, but it is possible to know more about anything).

The upshot is that any measurement anyone could make always has a plus or minus. Only an infinitely long equation could make perfect predictions, which, of course, will never happen. As quantum mechanists have found out, the infinite subdividability of the universe pertains to even the smallest of microcosms. The Infinite Universe always provides yet another collision from yet another microcosm that contributes to the variability that we are forced to present as the margin of error. Infinite subdividability makes it impossible to have “equations [that] are perfectly deterministic.” In the Infinite Universe, there always are still smaller microcosms whose motions we cannot determine precisely. That is how “probabilities get into quantum mechanics.”]



  1. A friend said there was a Progressive Science Institute conference in Berkeley now. Please advise.

  2. No, but that sounds like a good idea--just as long as we stay away from UC Berkeley, which is a hotbed of regressive physics and cosmogony.

  3. Actually, QM depends on measurement and that is limited because of micro effects, initiated by the probing particle. As everyone knows this particle is actually made up of wave forms and therefore no exact measurement is made at that level. Schrodinger's equation is the best we can do; that is, to take known quantities and then interact them and measure the output. That works because starting with finite objects can lead to finite results. All determined by the starting with a known quantity.
    If you start with finite quantities you can end with finite quantities.
    The real fundamental changes are hidden from us and cannot be measured as you point out.

  4. False. Microcosms do not consist of "waveforms" as mistakenly believed by those who believe in quantum mechanics. All measurements have plus/minus variations because the universe is infinitely divisible. QM is plagued by aether denial and thus is invalid as presently constructed.


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