Doppler Effect explained

PSI Blog 20180124 Doppler Effect explained

Abhishek Chakravartty asks a good question:

“On page 33 of IUT, you wrote that when the train is coming toward us, the sound of its whistles have short wavelength and when it is going away from us, the sound of its whistles have long wavelength. Can you explain why?”

[First, the Doppler Effect only occurs in a medium, which has an existence relatively independent of whatever microcosm moves through it. Second, a microcosm exhibiting cyclic behavior will disturb the macrocosm of the medium at regular intervals.

As an example, suppose you are a drummer on an open-air train that is stationary. If you hit the drum every second, the surrounding atmosphere will conduct the sound of that drum at 1-second intervals. People both fore and aft will measure an interval of 1 second. However, when the train is moving, the “fore” people will measure (e.g., hear) a shorter interval than the “aft” people. This is because, after the first drum beat, the train will be closer to the “fore” people when the second drum beat occurs. The travel path will be reduced. The opposite happens at the rear of the train. This is because, after the first drum beat, the train will be farther from the “aft” people when the second drum beat occurs. The travel path will be increased.

Travel path shortening produces a decrease in wavelength  otherwise known as a “blueshift.” Travel path lengthening produces an increase in wavelength otherwise known as a “redshift.”[1]

These effects were observed in Sagnac’s classic experiment confirming the existence of the aether (IUT[2], Ch. 15.1). They were reconfirmed in the Hafele-Keating experiment in which cesium beam clocks were flown around Earth in opposite directions (IUT, Ch. 15.6). Note that, because regressive physicists assume there is no aether medium, the redshifts encountered in the so-called “proofs of relativity” are interpreted as evidence for “time dilation.” This is unfortunate because time is motion and motion cannot dilate—only things can dilate.]

Figure 52 from "Infinite Universe Theory." The microcosm in the center is moving left.

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, CA, Progressive Science Institute, 324 p. [ http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook ]
[2] Ibid. Otherwise known as IUT.


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