Belief, the unconscious, and the Big Bang Theory

PSI Blog 20180530 Belief, the unconscious, and the Big Bang Theory

Thanks to Marilyn again for this interesting apropos link:

This is a nice interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton who wrote a book on belief. It is mostly about the differences between your conscious and unconscious brain. Your unconscious brain stores all your permanent memory such as “muscle memory,” which allows you to be an excellent athlete (or a mediocre one if you practice incorrectly). It is what allows you to drive down the highway automatically, not actually remembering parts of the trip. It is what regressives store in their brains in preparation for the physics of Big Bang Theory.

I just ran into a good example of this the other day. As you know, Hubble discovered the distance/redshift relationship that regressives use to support the current belief that the universe is expanding. I was trying to find a distance/redshift curve on the Internet. No such luck. All I could find in reputable publications were recessional velocity/redshift curves. Obviously, to work as an astronomer or cosmologist or astrophysicist today, one must unconsciously accept the assumption that distance values always must be converted to velocity values. As Dr. Lipton says, the unconscious learns through repetition. That is why slogans are so good in politics and science. First lesson in physics: “There is no aether,” “there is no aether.” Repeat 5,000 times and you are a physicist. First lesson in cosmogony: “distance is velocity,” “distance is velocity.” Repeat 10,000 times and you are a cosmogonist. You now are well-trained to use the Big Bang Theory at work. You might even get to tell the great unwashed all about how the entire universe exploded out of nothing on TV.

BTW: Much of Lipton’s interview is about how your subconscious brain affects your health. I experienced this myself when I decided happiness was the most important thing about life. I used Lipton’s slogan “Fake it until you make it.” I can’t say that I have been truly unhappy any time since. My resulting optimism overshadows everything. Maybe that is why I am still tilting at the Big Bang Theory.

1 comment:

  1. Glenn's readers are not brain washed.
    Glenn's readers read books like
    The Static Universe by H.Radcliff and know who people like Halton Arp and Fritz Zwicky and so on.
    The new paradigm is here now. Infinite oscillation. Read it soon.


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