Wave-particle theory bites the dust—again

PSI Blog 20180509 Wave-particle theory bites the dust—again

Thanks to Jesse for this heads up. In response to the regressive interpretation in this article, he writes “Atrocious:”

Regressives will go to any extent to claim that “Einstein is always right.” As readers know, waves can only occur in a medium consisting of particles. There are no such things as “wave-particles.” The interference pattern shown in the illustration does not prove anything other than the fact that electrons can interact with aether particles. That is not surprising in view of my speculation that electrons are made up of aether particles (about 1020 in each).[1] The idea that one could visually observe a single photon is ludicrous. But of course, some electromagnetic waves are over a kilometer long, so I guess that is a possibility for aether deniers like these folks.

Readers know that both Sagnac[2] and de Sitter[3] long ago demonstrated that aether existed and that light was not a particle. Of course, Einstein got around that by inventing 8 silly ad hocs, which I emphasized in Infinite Universe Theory [4]:

 Table 6 Einstein’s eight ad hocs.
Unlike other particles, his light particle always traveled at the same velocity—it never slowed down.
Unlike other particles, it attained this velocity instantaneously when emitted from a source.
Unlike other particles, it would not take on the velocity of its source.
Unlike other particles, it was massless.
Unlike other particles, light particles did not lose motion when they collided with other light particles.
Unlike other particles, any measurement indicating light speed was not constant had to be attributed to “time dilation”—another especially egregious ad hoc.
Time had to be considered something other than motion, for motion cannot dilate.
The claim light speed was constant flew in the face of all other measurements showing there are no constants in nature because everything is always in motion. Because the universe is infinite, every measurement of every so-called “constant” always has a plus or minus. The velocities for wave motion in any medium are dependent on the properties of that medium, which vary from place to place.

The first ad hoc alone is responsible for the equally silly idea that the universe is expanding. If you believe that waves (or particles) could travel from galaxy to eyeball without losing energy (i.e., the cosmological redshift), then I have a nice red bridge across the Bay I can sell you. The upshot here is that the imagined photon does not exist, although many of the claims for it are due to the real properties of aether.

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 324 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook].
[2] Sagnac, Georges, 1913a, The demonstration of the luminiferous aether by an interferometer in uniform rotation: Comptes Rendus, v. 157, p. 708–710; Sagnac, Georges, 1913b, On the proof of the reality of the luminiferous aether by the experiment with a rotating interferometer: Comptes Rendus, v. 157, p. 1410–1413.
[3] de Sitter, Willem, 1913, An Astronomical Proof for the Constancy of the Speed of Light (English translation): Physik. Zeitschr., v. 14, p. 429. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/desitter13light].
[4] Borchardt, ibid, Ch. 15.1.


  1. When you read The Whole Enchilada you will understand why it is not "particles" filling the medium.
    It is waves. To show you how...
    Instead try understanding de Broglie matter waves.

  2. #2 If you think about #8 above it could be instead that the SOL is always 300K Km per sec in any medium. The photon is affect by the atoms it encounters in the medium but continues on in a sl new direction at the SOL. The medium underlies all phenomena.

  3. Bligh:

    Thanks for the comment. Right, the speed of light (SOL) varies depending on what the waves encounter. It is 300 mmps in air and 225 mmps in water. Sound is similar, being 343 mps in air and 5000 mps in iron.

    Einstein had to claim that the speed of his imagined light particle was always constant to get around the fact that light really was a wave in a medium. The medium determines the speed of the wave. None of Einstein's special pleas are necessary then.


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