Why will the adoption of Infinite Universe Theory be the “Last Cosmological Revolution”?

PSI Blog 20180815 Why will the adoption of Infinite Universe Theory be the “Last Cosmological Revolution”?

In his fine YouTube review of my Blog on why the universe exists, David de Hilster objected to the implication that Infinite Universe Theory [1]would be the last of the cosmological revolutions. Normally, in science, we can have no “last” or “ultimate” theories. That is because all theories have finite components and all are subject to impacts from the infinite macrocosm, which then force necessary revisions. A good example is my revision of Newton’s laws of motion after I assumed infinity.[2] An “ultimate” theory would have to contain an infinite number of factors—an impossible feat.

We then need to review the nature of revolution. “Revolution” is actually a misnomer implying a complete rotation. Instead, the word usually describes a 180-degree or half rotation, such as when those on top are displaced by those on the bottom. Similarly, a revolution in thought occurs when one abandons a particular viewpoint to adopt its opposite. The First Cosmological Revolution occurred when we abandoned the Earth-centered universe in favor of the heliocentric one. The second was when we realized our Sun was only one of the billions of stars in the Milky Way. The third was when those fuzzy objects in the night sky thought to be “island universes” actually were a few of the 2 trillion galaxies now observed.

Through all that time, we stood steadfast in our assumption that the universe was finite. Logically, that meant that the universe had a beginning and would have an end, just like each of the things within it. However, when we assume just the opposite—infinity, we produce a revolution in thought. When applied to the entire universe Infinite Universe Theory amounts to the “Last” cosmological revolution. Sure, the theory will be revised and modified as more and more infinite detail is discovered, but the revolutionary aspect of the theory will never change. We can never really go back to the idea that the universe is finite. Sure, one can assume either finity or infinity. There never can be a complete, final proof of such a fundamental assumption.[3] We never can go to the “end of the universe” to answer that question. Logically, we are forced to assume one or the other. My whole project has been to show how the assumption of infinity leads to answers to the many paradoxes and contradictions plaguing today’s “modern” physics and cosmology. Sure, there will be counter-revolutionary attempts, but eventually all will fail.

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 325 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook].

[2] The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions.

[3] Borchardt, Glenn, 2004, The Ten Assumptions of Science: Toward a new scientific worldview: Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 125 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/TTAOS].


  1. If you are meaning going from finity to infinity, yes: I agree there are no more steps in this progress. You need not worry though: your position in the history of science is sealed!

  2. The fourth revolution will occur when it is realized that oscillation provides the fundamental field that all change occurs in.
    There are no particles, microcosms or macrocosms in fact. Those are just manifestations of the state change of the fundaemtal field. Every moment of which is called "Now".

  3. I think a revolution is in the workings also, but not sure how long it'll take. I imagine it will take a while, because the conventional thinking physicists will not want to admit they were wrong about so many things, and have been wasting money pursuing so many accepted theories and imaginary particles, that they will want to make it look like they were at least partially correct in most of their efforts. Plus, they will want to make it look like their own efforts discovered the real truths instead of giving credit to those that have been correct all along, like yourself. So, it may happen is small steps, to insure the corrections are bent in such a way to give themselves credit, and make it look like they're the ones that made the discoveries through their own efforts.

    But, the true nature of physics and science cannot stay obscured forever, so sooner or later this will be taking place. I only there
    s a chance that you will be recognized or given credit for many of your ideas, and that the conventional scientific community will be honest enough to give you credit for being correct all along, and for helping to reveal the true nature of our universe.


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