"Zones of Avoidance” and photons with wavelength?

PSI Blog 20190105 "Zones of Avoidance” and photons with wavelength?

By Jesse Witwer:

I must admit that I keep being more and more shocked at the ability of the church of Relativity to ignore the obvious.

So, they discover "Zones of Avoidance" where visible light doesn't penetrate which they then acknowledge that dust is preventing it by blocking "shorter wavelength photons". Again, I just don't even understand how photon's have wavelengths....do cannon balls have wavelengths? At any rate, if  electromagnetic radiation (EMR) travels through perfectly empty space ad infinitum, it is impossible that certain wavelengths will be blocked and not others. I mean, either the "photons" hit the dust and refract in a diffuse manner or they don't. Wavelengths only make sense for waves and you cannot have wave/particle duality.

Sigh. Even trying to understand the logic of photons with "wavelengths" is really just too idiotic. A quick glance at Quora answers trying to explain how photons have wavelengths is enough to turn one’s stomach (https://www.quora.com/How-does-a-photon-have-a-wavelength). Only one guy had a clue, saying you have to consider one or the other.....a prime indicator that you have a fundamental error:
“Your question is actually a very interesting one. One of the basic concepts of quantum mechanics is that particles and waves are actually the same thing : we call this wave-particle duality (Wave–particle duality - Wikipedia) At our macroscopic lev...”

And this on "Zones of Avoidance":

1 comment:

  1. From Rick:

    "I mean, either the "photons" hit the dust and refract in a diffuse manner or they don't. Wavelengths only make sense for waves and you cannot have wave/particle duality."


    You know that scientists who are happy to disregard traditional determinism and physical CAUSALITY are just as happy to say that photons CAN be refracting and NOT refracting within the same speck of time/space. According to that sad excuse for logic, matter (including photons, according to mainstream science) is composed of virtual particles popping in and out of existence by random chance. They are happy to say, "Matter doesn't really exist".

    It's confirmed: Matter is merely vacuum fluctuations | New Scientist

    Children who grow up with religious immaterialism being pounded into their little skulls grow into adults who have no problem living with cognitive dissonance.

    My 2¢ - always beating the obvious to death.
    Peace & Love,
    Rick Doogie


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