What keeps things together?

PSI Blog 20190320 What keeps things together?

From Abhi, one of our best respondents:

“You wrote that ‘for the balloon to keep its shape, it simply must have enough pressure inside (submicrocosms in motion) to counteract the pressure outside (supermicrocosms in motion). This is true for all microcosms (things). Decrease the pressure inside and the microcosm implodes; decrease the pressure outside and microcosm explodes. The velocities of the submicrocosms and supermicrocosms are secondary.’

But all microcosms do not behave like balloons. For example, a pot has a rigid shape and size which does not change even if we change the pressure inside or outside it. Can you please look deeply into this?”

[GB: Thanks Abhi for another excellent question.

The answer goes back to the formation of baryonic (ordinary) matter from aether particles in the first place. In Infinite Universe Theory I assume aether particles have short-range velocities analogous to those of nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere. In other words, we know individual nitrogen molecules travel 50% faster than the wave motion produced by that medium (i.e., 343 m/s X 1.5 = 515 m/s). For aether, this would be: 300,000,000 m/s X 1.5 = 450,000,000 m/s.

The formation of baryonic matter simply involves the process of slowing some of the aether particles down long enough for them to form complexes of aether. This would never happen if all aether particles were identical—some of them must be larger than others. The required deceleration is similar to what occurs when aether particles are decelerated during gravitational acceleration.[1] The decelerated aether particles surround all baryonic matter and are otherwise known as “dark matter.”

Back to the balloon example: Everything we know consists of aether complexes. Each complex is in motion, from high-velocity aether pairs to the most massive, slow-velocity chunk of lead. The balloon is an excellent example of univironmental interactions. It clearly shows why a microcosm might stay in one piece instead of simply flying apart. So why doesn’t the pot fly apart when the air pressure inside and outside is not equal? That is because solids, unlike the gases in the atmosphere, have fewer “degrees of freedom.” In other words, they consist of atoms comprised of aether particles that previously were pushed together by still higher velocity aether particles and aether complexes. Of course, even an iron pot can “fly apart” under appropriate conditions. It simply would have to absorb enough motion to do so. That is what overheating does when you forget to turn off the stove. Heat is a vibratory motion. Enough of it and the atoms in your pot will attain more “degrees of freedom,” possibly turning into a river of liquid with any plastic parts turning into gases.

The deceleration of high-velocity aether particles can occur in many ways in addition to that which produces the “dark matter” halo around other microcosms. Of primary importance is the formation of vortices. In this case, much of the otherwise linear motion of aether particles is forced to travel in a circle around some more massive aether particle or complex. I say “forced” because the more sluggish aether particles tend to be pushed around by the more active ones. In the figure below, microcosm A, because of its size, provides shelter for microcosm B, possibly resulting in a new aether complex.


The upshot: The macrocosm (environment) is of utmost importance for the formation and continued existence of any microcosm (portion of the universe). That is why a finite universe surrounded by perfectly empty space makes no sense at all.]

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, The Physical Cause of Gravitation: viXra:1806.0165.
[2] IUT, Chapter 16.4, Where does matter come from?, Figure 46.


  1. Glenn, you have shown us a good example of why unienvironmental theory is nonsense.
    You just have to extend your A and B examples of push-pull and shield etc. out towards the infinity of space. All of the pushes and pulls neutralize as we move outwards to involve all the other "microcosms" of particles.
    Do you ever publish my remarks? I don't know how to find them in older blogs.

    BTW I seldom look at my gmail, but always at my yahoo address.

  2. Abhi asks:

    “Can you explain why the more sluggish aether particles tend to be pushed around by the more active ones?”

    [Glenn Borchardt: Think of it this way: Suppose you are in a “demolition derby” driving a large truck surrounded by small fast cars. You may be hit by the small cars many times before you even get to hit one of them. In fact, being big and sluggish, that may not happen at all. Being lighter, they will be able to accelerate rapidly and would tend to speed away quickly. In addition, large, slow targets tend to be easier to hit than small, fast targets. That is why, in the NFL, running backs tend to be short and quick, while defensive linemen tend to be tall, heavy, and slow.

    Note also that, these essential differences among aether particles are hypothesized in response to the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things). If all aether particles were identical, there would be no reason for any of them to be less active than others. Such “fundamental particles” would never produce baryonic matter.]


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