Angels on the Head of a Pin: Falsifying the Idea of Cosmic Inflation

PSI Blog 20190612 Angels on the Head of a Pin: Falsifying the Idea of Cosmic Inflation

Thanks to Steve for this:

“Hi Glenn,

Some "mainstream physicists" are now working on a method to test the validity of the idea of "cosmic inflation" -- to falsify it. It looks like they are making good progress. Now, if we can just get them to falsify the "Big Bang" and then start calling everything that exists the "universe" and stop using terms such as other universes and a previous universe. Here is the article:


[GB: Thanks Steve. Steve, you certainly are more optimistic about their falsification chances than I am. This illustrates the kinds of discussions that occur when a theory is in crisis. It is akin to the old debate about “How many angels can fit on the head of a pin.” It only serves to assure folks that angels and pins actually exist. Like those religious folks, these regressives never ask whether their original assumptions might be wrong. A contraction before an expansion? Both without a cause? And all in tune with Einstein’s Untired Light Theory? Egads! These wastes of “scientific” time and money are all part of the last big battle between science (Infinite Universe Theory) and religion (Big Bang Theory).]

1 comment:

  1. blighcapn@gmail.comJune 12, 2019 at 10:29 AM

    In theory (mine) it is easy to refute BBT. BB is predicated on light never "tiring".
    It most certainqly does. Photons have no rest mass but are equivalent to mass because of their inherent frequency (energy) and their K.E.
    Therefore in long travels through the field ( I use FF, for fundamental field, and others use quantum field)photons have an inertial drag on them. Voila! Loss of frequency and thus the redshift. It is questionable whether Hubble ever subscribed to that notion, but becoming famous certainly didn't disavow it. Friz Zwicky was never fooled.
    This is field related inertia not dark matter interference.


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