A star older than the Big Bang universe

PSI Blog 20190828 A star older than the Big Bang universe

“Methuselah star”, or scientifically called HD 140283 (Image: NASA)

Thanks to James Nelson for this heads up:

Among the many contradictions encountered by the Big Bang Theory is Methuselah, a star older than the supposed age of the universe.

The title of this report is: 

"Have we been wrong about the age of our universe all along? Astronomers are trying to understand why the universe appears to contain stars older than itself."

And from Fred Frees:

Big Bang theory wrong? Star older than Universe discovered - threat of ‘scientific crisis’


Right. Good luck with that and what we predict will be even older galaxies and stars when the Webb telescope supersedes the Hubble after 20210301. This “star older than the universe” conundrum has occurred before, and like the “inflationary” universe has been cured with some special “Dark Energy” ad hoc to make it go away. Remember that the inflationary idea had to be brought up when cosmological redshifts indicated galactic recessions hugely greater than the speed of light.                                                                                                                                       


  1. Clearly this star traveled back in time from our distant future, which is simply more empirical evidence in support of both the Big Bang and space-time.

  2. They keep getting themselves in a pickle don't they?

    To be a bit pedantic, note that the Dark Energy concept wasn't exactly required due to the speed of recession but was required only when they determined that the speed of recession was accelerating (of course we know it isn't accelerating but the motion loss to the Aether is a 3rd order phenomena as we have 3 dimensions and thus it is destined to appear to accelerate).

  3. And maybe the devil put that old star there just to confuse the cosmogonists!

  4. Initially, the formula for redshift due to galactic recession was z = v/c, where v = the velocity of the galaxy's motion away from us and c = velocity of light. Distant galaxies have z values of 8 or more, so that would mean they were traveling away at 8 times the speed of light! That is where the early universe inflationary ad hoc had to be invented because relativity does not allow that. This includes the additional ad hoc that it is empty space itself that is expanding--galaxies just were carried along with it.

    Of course, all this is BS. Like you wrote, the cosmological redshift is simply a measure of distance. As we would predict from the Second Law of Thermodynamics, light waves must lose energy over distance. Perpetual motion is not possible. Einstein should have known better, since that is a primary rule of the patent office where he worked.


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