Many-worlds nonsense of Quantum Mechanics

PSI Blog 20191016 Many-worlds nonsense of Quantum Mechanics

Regressive physicists and cosmogonists are slowly coming to their senses (or not). This just in from Nature: a skeptical review by Robert P. Crease of the latest apologetics for QM (Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime) by Sean Carroll:

This quote from the article sums it up:

Six decades on, the theory is one of the most bizarre yet fully logical ideas in human history, growing directly out of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics without introducing extraneous elements.

In other words, GIGO (garbage-in-garbage-out).

“Nevertheless, non-scientists might have lingering problems with Carroll’s breezy, largely unexamined ideas about “reality”. Like many physicists, he assumes that reality is whatever a scientific theory says it is. But what gives physicists a lock on this concept, and the right to say that the rest of us (not to mention, say, those in extreme situations such as refugees, soldiers and people who are terminally ill) are living through a less fundamental reality?”

I like the reviewer’s last sentence: “What a wacky idea.


  1. Think about it!
    IF you subscribe to the idea that the Universe is infinite in all ways (space, time, and mechanics) then MW theory makes sense.

  2. Nope. This is the MW theory according to Stanford: "The Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics holds that there are many worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time as our own. The existence of the other worlds makes it possible to remove randomness and action at a distance from quantum theory and thus from all physics".

    It is just a silly ad hoc to save QM (Egads, "same space and time as our own"). Also, it has been used for the "parallel universes" attempt to explain the Infinite Universe as a series of Big Bangs.


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