The universe just got 2.4 billion years younger according to Big Bang cosmogonists

PSI Blog 20191002 The universe just got 2.4 billion years younger according to Big Bang cosmogonists

From George Coyne:


Until September 2019, orthodox astronomers who believe in the absurd Big Bang theory assured everyone that they were certain that the   Big Bang took place 13.799 billion years. Ago. with a lowest possible age of the Universe as 13.7969 billion years and the upper limit being 13.801 billion years.

Then in September 2019 this all changed with Big Banger astronomers now assuring us that the Universe is only 11. 4 billion years old:

This makes the “Methuselah star”, (scientifically called HD 140283) with a known age of 14.5 billion years even more difficult to account for by Big Bang theorists.

My question to you, which completely mystifies me, is " Why does anyone in the general public give any credence to the Big Bang theory in light of the incontrovertible facts?"”

 [GB: Thanks George for the heads up. Your skepticism is right on. But it seems most folks don’t care one way or the other. I bet they think astrophysics is too difficult to understand (because it is mostly nonsense) and better left to the “experts.” Then too, most are religious and quite accustomed to paradoxes and contradictions. The propaganda glorifying Einstein continues unabated despite his recantation of relativity and the aether denial that plagued his youth. Here is the latest, called “Chasing Einstein.” The audience gave it an 89% rating. Don’t get too discouraged. The more irrational this stuff gets, the more desperate these so-called “scientists” appear to be.]


  1. blighcapn@yahoo.comOctober 2, 2019 at 7:13 AM

    Why not recommend The Static Universe by Radcliffe to your readers?

  2. George:

    See: PSI Blog 20190731 Review of Ratcliff’s “The Static Universe”. It has some good stuff, but no cigar.


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