Why do ideologies exist?

PSI Blog 20200106 Why do ideologies exist?

It should be clear from last week’s PSI Blog that weird ideas like the Big Bang Theory serve some important societal and cultural function. As in ideologies, in general, the outright dismissal of opposing ideas is mandatory for the survival of the relativity and Big Bang paradigm. Dissidents can point out Einstein's errors all they want, but that does not trump the “Einstein is always right” trope taught to youngsters for generations. One can point out there are better interpretations of data said to “confirm” relativity.[1] One can repeat Newton’s Second Law of Motion demanding that every acceleration of something (such as gravitation) simply requires a corresponding deceleration of something.[2] All that remains futile, because there is something else going on.

I have been aware of that “something else” for some time. Now comes a particularly excellent essay written by Richard Koenigsberg, which I just received in an email. He writes:

“Social theory rarely addresses the reasons why certain ideologies exist. Scholars write about "dominant discourses," but the question is why particular discourses become dominant. To answer the question of why particular ideas are embraced and perpetuated, I suggest a psychological approach: What does this ideology do for the people who embrace it? What role does the ideology play in the psychic life of its adherents?”

Dr. Koenigsberg is a psychologist who is Director of the Library of Social Science. He specializes in the ideological causes of violence. I would broaden his last sentence by removing the word “psychic.” All causes involve univironments: microcosms and their macrocosms. In other words, the development of mental states result from interactions with the environment. Fascists live with fascists; cosmogonists live with cosmogonists; regressive physicists live with regressive physicists. Above all, economic conditions are paramount. No one can live on air alone.

Do read this essay. It is a good start at understanding why folks are encouraged to believe the entire universe (of over 2 trillion galaxies, no less) exploded out of nothing:

Richard’s email introduces the essay with this:

“The current President may be narcissistic, delusional, even occasionally psychotic. However, this explains nothing. The question is what is he saying that causes tens-of-millions of people to embrace his ideas?

Politicians articulate their own emotions and fantasies through the vehicle of ideas put forth upon the public stage. If a politician is to become successful, the ideas he conveys must resonate with the populace. The leader's words must evoke emotions and fantasies within his audience not unlike the emotions and fantasies his words evoke within himself.

Metaphors and images within the rhetoric of political leaders contain, evoke and bring forth latent fantasies into reality. An ideology constitutes a modus operandi, allowing unconscious fantasies to be activated and externalized into the world. Ideologies "capture" or harness energy contained with latent desires or fantasies, making this energy available for concerted, societal action.”

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 327 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook].
[2] Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, The Physical Cause of Gravitation: viXra:1806.0165.


  1. Koenigsberg is hardly someone to discuss ideologies.

    He begins with a leftist one.
    He uses hyperbole to describe Trump's actions.
    One with a more centrist "ideology" might have noticed the decrease size of the Government, the strong economy with its attendent decrease in unemployment, the beginnings of improvement it trade deficit, the strong push back against Iranian terroism etc. etc.

  2. Tell Koengisberger that ideologies are forms of worldviews. They begin with the type of brain one has.
    Does it analyze or just accept authority, peers ideas, or family values and so on, or does it use reason in order to question things like supernatural beingss etc?
    The brain is inherited. The experiences in life influence it to some, but a lesser degree.
    Scientific laws are the best we can do and they are only temporary. Read about the difference between rational thought and empirical thought.


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