Elderly Galaxies Again

PSI Blog 20200511 Elderly Galaxies Again

Thanks to Pierre Berrigan for this heads up:

These three panels show, from left to right, what the galaxy XMM-2599's evolutionary trajectory might be, beginning as a dusty star-forming galaxy, then becoming a dead galaxy, and perhaps ending up as a "brightest cluster galaxy," or BCG.
(Image: © NRAO/AUI/NSF/B. Saxton; NASA/ESA/R. Foley; NASA/StScI.)

With the Big Bang universe having a time limit of only 13.82 billion years (Ga), astronomers are continually shocked when they find evidence for elderly galaxies. These don’t fit the paradigm. In other words, they falsify the entire Big Bang Theory. As I mentioned in “Infinite Universe Theory,” this is not the first time the Big Bang Theory has been falsified (disproven) by elderly galaxies at extreme distances where only young stars (not galaxies should be seen). This particular galaxy supposedly is 12 billion light years away and has finished its star forming phase, which supposedly took place in only 1.82 Ga. Wow! That was miraculously fast, in view of our Sun alone having taken 4.6 Ga to form. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, forms about one star per year and is 13.7 Ga, and it isn’t done yet.

If that BCG is similar to the Milky Way, it was over 13.7 Ga when the light we see left on its journey to us. That would make it 25.7 Ga—quite a problem for the cosmogonists at Riverside!

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