Big Bang Theory Fail—Imagined Universe Expanding Too Fast

PSI Blog 20201207 Big Bang Theory Fail—Imagined Universe Expanding Too Fast


“The universe is expanding too fast, and that could rewrite cosmology

Different measurements of the Hubble constant, the rate of space-time expansion, refuse to agree – meaning we may have to look beyond Einstein’s theories to explain the universe”

Are we missing something about how galaxies and galaxy clusters shape the universe?"  NASA, ESA/Hubble, HST Frontier Fields


It is really too bad to have to see cosmogonists suffer so much. When cosmological redshifts at great distances indicated their imagined galactic recession was greater than the velocity of light, they had to claim that perfectly empty space was expanding. This resulted in Guth’s Inflationary Universe Theory, with its expansion rates fast enough to make your head spin at greater than the speed of light.


Now, the naïve cosmogonists have been working on solving the Hubble constant contradiction for a long time without success. Bet you won’t see any of the employed regressives going “beyond Einstein’s theories” any time soon.



Here are some juicy quotes from Stuart Clark’s recent article in New Scientist illustrating the regressive nonsense:


“AT FIRST, it was a whisper. Now it has become a shout: there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the cosmos. When we measure the rate at which the universe is expanding, we get different results depending on whether we extrapolate from the early universe or look at exploding stars in nearby galaxies. The discrepancy means that everything is speeding apart more quickly than we expect.”


“Cosmologists have been scrabbling for answers. They have played around with the properties of dark energy and dark matter, those two well-known, yet still mysterious, components of our standard model of cosmology. They have imagined all manner of new exotic ingredients – all to no avail.”


Note that dark energy is indeed mysterious, since it cannot possibly exist. Readers know that “energy” is neither a thing, nor an occurrence—it is a calculation. Cosmogonists: Better luck next time in imagining a proxy creator that propels your imagined explosion of your imagined finite universe out of nothing.


“The conclusion could hardly be starker. Our best model of the cosmos, a seemingly serenely sailing ship, might be holed beneath the water line. That has led some researchers to suggest taking the ultimate step: abandoning that ship and building a new standard model from the ground up, based on a revised understanding of gravity.”


Duh? Think so?


They did get one thing right:


“By this time, astronomers who observed the rotations of galaxies and clusters of galaxies had also noted that they are whirling around far faster than they should be for the amount of visible matter they contain. The astronomers' solution was to update the model yet again, incorporating a new, invisible dark matter that far outweighs the normal stuff we see.”


Could it be this dark matter is simply the decelerated aether responsible for the acceleration we observe as gravitation per Aether Deceleration Theory?

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Glenn !

    The idea of a new model based on a revised theory of gravitation is probably not as ridiculous as it appears at first glance.

    In Newtonian gravitation, the gravitational potential of a mass is in the inverse proportion of distance but is never null. The result of this for an infinitely large universe containing an infinite amount of mass is an infinite potential everywhere, and that's certainly not what we observe (if the potential was the same everywhere, there would be no potential gradient, hence, gravitational acceleration could not exist).

    Einstein replaced Newton's immaterial field by a no-less-immaterial spacetime, the curvature of which is also in the inverse proportion of distance, and also never null, ending up with the same problem: an infinite curvature for an infinite amount of mass, meaning a paradoxical universe of zero size...! Also not what is observed.

    That is THE reason why Einstein postulated a finite-size universe... And a finite-size universe under general relativity is forcibly either expanding or contracting depending on the value you give to the ill-famed constant Lambda.

    SO: back at the beginning; if you make Newton's gravitational field finite in reach (or Einstein's spacetime curvature flattening to null at some range, whatever), you get a theory of gravity that is consistent with a universe of infinite size containing an infinite amount of matter, that has a non-infinite potential (or a non-infinite spacetime curvature, whatever) EVERYWHERE.

    That would open up a path to an Infinite Universe Theory... !




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