“Is the Aether Entrained by the Motion of Celestial Bodies?”

PSI Blog 20210329 “Is the Aether Entrained by the Motion of Celestial Bodies?”


Thanks to George Coyne for another interesting question:


Glenn, I have a question for you regarding an aether paper by Joseph Levy titled “Is the Aether Entrained by the Motion of Celestial Bodies? What do the Experiments Tell Us?”
Levy sees the necessity to include aether in formulating physics theories in writing: "It is difficult, indeed, to accept that a “vacuum”, endowed with physical properties such as permittivity and permeability may be empty. The ability of such an empty vacuum to transmit electromagnetic waves is also doubtful." However, I am certain that you will find many errors with his paper. What areas do you find to be the most problematic with his concepts? Would you please critique it so that your readers will better understand how your theoretical perspective concerning aether and its role in gravitation differs significantly from Levy’s. Thanks!
Here is the link to a pdf of his paper:


[GB: Here is my impression regarding Levy's mistakes:


1. He believes gravitation is an attraction, which it is not.


2. He makes no mention of aether deceleration as the reason for entrainment.


3. As a result, he assumes that entrainment has to be the result of planetary motion. On the contrary, like our atmosphere, planetary motion is not the cause of entrainment. The particles within the atmosphere and aetherosphere are part of Earth. They move along with Earth in its daily rotation and annual revolution around the Sun.


4. He is right that aether is not affected by gravitation, but for the wrong reason. That is because its deceleration and the resulting distal pressure decrease is the cause of gravitation.


5. He uses the absurd Lorentz length contraction to explain the Michelson-Morley Experiment, which was an experiment to detect ether, which was then defined as being a stationary medium through which Earth moved around the Sun at 30 km/s. Of course, that is the velocity of the Earth-atmosphere-aetherosphere system as it revolves around the Sun. At sea level, both the atmosphere and the aetherosphere are mostly unaffected by that motion. As I showed in “Infinite Universe Theory,” one cannot measure that relative 30 km/s velocity without doing measurements beyond the atmosphere and beyond the aetherosphere. That is why the Galaev and Miller and Michelson repetitions at high altitudes got interferometer results that were a function of altitude (Figure 1), proving aether was entrained—at least at low altitudes.


Figure 1. Interferometer measurements of Earth’s velocity around the Sun as determined at various altitudes above mean sea level. The three data points in red at high altitude are projections and are yet to be performed. The other data are from Galaev, who seems to be the first to show this relationship.[1]


George, thanks again for the link. Oh well, at least Levy is not an aether denier even though he uses that spelling for the wrong ether.]





[1] Galaev, 2002, The measuring of ether-drift velocity. Cited in Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, Figure 42. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook].


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