Distinguishing between matter and the motion of matter

PSI Blog 20210517 Distinguishing between matter and the motion of matter


Abhishek Chakravartty has this question:


“In Figure 12 of IUT [“Infinite Universe Theory”], you have shown that ripple wavelength increases with distance. But if an object as a whole moves at a single velocity, it means that each and every point of that object is moving at that velocity. So, if an object as a whole moves at a single velocity, it's length cannot change. Besides, if the length of an object changes while the object is in motion, it would mean that the object as a whole is not moving at a single velocity. It would mean that different points of the object are moving at different velocities. So, if the wavelength of a ripple increases with distance, does it mean that the ripple as a whole is not moving at a single velocity, but different points of the ripple are moving at different velocities?”


[GB: Thanks, Abhi for this rather sophisticated question. It puts our discussion of the difference between matter and the motion of matter on the ground (or on the water in this case). While we assume matter and motion are inseparable per the Fourth Assumption of Science, inseparability (Just as there is no motion without matter, so there is no matter without motion), we must think of them as two different phenomena. For instance, time is the motion of all things (matter) in the Infinite Universe. Consciousness, like time, does not exist; it occurs. Sound and light do not exist; they occur. My way of deciding: If I can put it figuratively in my back pocket, it is matter; if I cannot, it is motion.


Similarly, waves do not exist; they occur. In this case, what does exist are the trillions of water molecules whose interactions constitute a particular temporary shape induced by an impact on that medium at the source. The characteristics of the medium control the velocity of the waves traveling through it. Thus, the velocity of light in air is about 300 million m/s, while it is 225 million m/s in water. Thus, while the velocity of wave motion through a medium does not change, the distance between the waves tends to increase over distance (e.g., the cosmological redshift). This delay in reconstituting wave shape is an entropic effect reflecting the fact that it is impossible for the Infinite Universe to produce perfection. A second wave shape is never exactly the same as the first.


Now to the change in the length of things and the relation to velocity… You correctly imply that the trailing edge of an object does not always travel at the same velocity as the leading edge. This is because all microcosms (XYZ portions of the universe) contain submicrocosms (other XYZ portions ad infinitum). Each submicrocosm is semi-independent from all the others. This effect happens during acceleration, as when a train is pushed from the rear, decreasing its total length as the individual cars collide with one another. An increase in length occurs when the engine pulls the train. The length does not change, however, when the train reaches a constant velocity. Subsequent changes in length depend on the macrocosm through which a microcosm is traveling. For instance, under inertial motion per Newton’s First Law of Motion, length will decrease as collisions occur with the supermicrocosms inevitable in space that is invariably not perfectly empty. That is why satellites lose velocity over time.]


You wrote:


“Besides, if the length of an object changes while the object is in motion, it would mean that the object as a whole is not moving at a single velocity. It would mean that different points of the object are moving at different velocities.”


[GB: Right, but that only occurs during acceleration or deceleration of objects, not waves. At relatively constant velocity each submicrocosm moves at a relative velocity similar to all the others. In other words, the front of a moving object has the same relative velocity as the rear.]


You then wrote:


“So, if the wavelength of a ripple increases with distance, does it mean that the ripple as a whole is not moving at a single velocity, but different points of the ripple are moving at different velocities?”


[GB: Remember that the various submicrocosms within the ripple simply move back and forth or side to side, always returning to the same spot. Thus, the short answer is NO. This is difficult for most folks to understand. It is only the motion that is transmitted from one place to another, not the matter. After all, that is why wave motion only occurs in a medium, which necessarily consists of numerous submicrocosms.


Now, what does this all have to do with Infinite Universe Theory? A lot! Light is wave motion and therefore requires a medium, which, like all media, must contain relatively stationary submicrocosms (particles) we call aether. In other words, light is motion, not matter. The matter that transmits light is not that different from the matter in water waves. You can get knocked down by a water wave and a light wave can produce the photoelectric effect. Evidence “confirming” Einstein’s photon theory invariably involves short-range motion of aether particles. The wave-particle theory of regressive physics is both an oxymoron and an einsteinism.]


1 comment:

  1. Glenn is stuck in a matter universe. So he is in a Newtonian world of particles macro and micro. He is right though about infinity, both macro and micro infinity. E.g. a wave cannot be cut into any precise segment exactly. Its really a infinitesimal segment or a macro segment it looking at a gross cut.
    Most of us have moved on to a wave universe(QM)and matter is now considered to be a result of the superimposition of waves. Higgs phenomenon is an example of that.
    I explain in my book The Whole Enchilada how this happens. Unfortunately still unpublished. Been busy. A theory unique as far as know.


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