Meet Sahil Gupta, Principal Advocate


PSI Blog 20220207 Meet Sahil Gupta, Principal Advocate


Sahil Gupta

With our prediction that the Webb telescope will see more elderly galaxies beyond the current 13.8 Ga limit of observation, we will see renewed questioning of the Big Bang Theory. In our preparations for this we have set up the position of “Principal Advocate.” You might ask: What are the characteristics of such a person?

Here are the 10 characteristics listed by Dr. David Sussman:


1) They are passionate


Enthusiastic, driven, compassionate, caring. All of these characteristics convey the passion of exceptional advocates. Their work is more than a job requirement or a professional responsibility. It’s a calling and a lifelong mission.


2) They are well informed


Great advocates are often the most knowledgeable person in the room (region, state, nation) on their area of focus. They are continually learning, plugged into current streams of information, and always ready to share their knowledge and expertise to educate others.


3) They are great communicators


Whether expressing themselves verbally, in writing, and regardless of the medium (print, video, social channels), these amazing advocates communicate clearly, persuasively and respectfully to share information, viewpoints, and to advance their mission.


4) They are goal-oriented


Without a clear goal, there is no clear focus and no clear path forward. Exceptional advocates have laser-sharp goals, whether it is passing certain legislation, creating new programs, or garnering support for worthy causes.


5) They are connectors


Great advocates seem to have connections everywhere, with stakeholders at all levels. They are adept at building partnerships and coalitions and in connecting people with useful resources. They are often the first person people go to for information, support and advice.


6) They are flexible


The most effective advocates know the power of collaboration and compromise. Not every battle can be won. Sometimes small victories are the only road to eventual success. These advocates know that flexibility is essential in moving steadily forward to achieve their longer-term goals.


7) They are inspiring


What does it mean to be inspiring? It’s hard to articulate, but great advocates move us, and they stir our thoughts and feelings. They give us hope for a brighter tomorrow and they outline a path for how we can reach it.


8) They are empowering


The best advocates not only inspire us, they instill in us a desire to pitch in and help out to collectively achieve a worthwhile goal. They show us how to raise our own voices to be heard and how to help others find their voice. They also remind us that we all matter and we all have a part to play.


9) They are persistent


Advocacy is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Important goals can take years or decades to achieve. Great advocates show up and keep showing up. They are not deterred by setbacks or disappointment. They are the first to arrive and the last to leave.


10) They are servants


In their hearts, great advocates are public servants. They do their work not for glory or fame, but for the quiet satisfaction of helping others and the steadfast belief that the work is the right thing to do and the only thing to do.”


[GB: Thanks to many of you who have been great advocates for Infinite Universe Theory, the trigger for the inevitable “Last Cosmological Revolution.” With our prediction that the demise of the Big Bang Theory will take another 28 years, it behooves us to prepare for a marathon, as Dr. Susman says. Unfortunately, most folks educated enough to understand Infinite Universe Theory tend to be superannuated. That is why we were happy to discover Sahil Gupta, a brilliant and recent Yale graduate who began contributing to the Quebec “A CosmologyGroup” in September. He says that he thought the Standard Model (Big Bang LCDM) was fact until about a year ago, and that what changed his mind is the existence of old galaxies far away, and Edwin Hubble's rejection of the "exploding universe". Nonetheless, he is up to date on our books and seems knowledgeable about the key contradictions involving the Big Bang Theory. Here is a rather modest bio he sent me:


“Sahil Gupta is the founder and CEO of Spase.io, a 3D modeling company based in Silicon Valley. Spase rapidly turns product photography into photorealistic 3D models. Sahil's experience spans software engineering and project management at Tesla, Microsoft, and SpaceX, and he holds degrees in Computer Science and Economics from Yale.”


Sahil already has contributed to the cosmogony discussion among the younger folks we need to reach:




He has many new ideas on how to get the attention of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, the press, as well as the younger folks who have minds open enough to have doubts about the usual regressive propaganda. Give a hearty welcome to Sahil!]


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