Rick Doogie Responds to the Blog on “Heat Death” Hysteria

PSI Blog 20220530 Rick Doogie Responds to the Blog on “Heat Death” Hysteria




Yes, the “heat death” hysteria.


I’ve had a couple different friends mention that to me, because they knew I liked science. These are friends who never cracked a non-fiction book and have never spoken to me about science matters ever before.


But still they tell me how they saw something on TV that told them the universe will eventually fizzle out into the nothingness from whence it came. I think they want to impress me with their up-to-date knowledge of scientific news.


I try to remain polite while I tell them what I tell other friends who share conspiracy theories about UFOs, beings from other dimensions or beyond the grave, nano-bots in Covid vaccines, and holographic hoaxes by the CIA (not to mention CIA-controlled weather and earthquakes designed to dupe the populace). I tell them that they need to get a better grip on what is science and possible in the real world, and what is science fiction and impossible no matter how advanced the technology. But I get that glazed look in their eyes because they have those religious assumptions, whether they are “churchy" religious or not. They believe in warp drive, food replicators, holodecks, telepathy, transporters, telekinesis, and all that fun Star Trek stuff. 


Pet Peeve and why I don’t like Star Wars. 


Star Wars even goes as far as to make the dead Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda all appear to Luke at the end of the trilogy. - Why should a suspenseful fight to the death get me excited if everyone is moving on to a higher plane to live forever? I always thought that was f-cked up. I feel the same when extreme fundamentalist friends are overcome with grief at a loved one’s funeral. WTF? I can’t say anything, but shouldn’t they be overjoyed that their loved one is now in the Magic Kingdom, where we’ll all meet up very soon? I mean, … they have reason to be sad at my funeral, because they know I’m going to be barbecued eternally.


If I could convince my friends of just the First Assumption of Science (Materialism), they could begin to separate fact from fiction. We live in a material world! Everything is made of matter. One thing that is firmly implanted in most people’s minds is that E = mc², and if they attach any meaning at all to that sacred equation, they think that it means that matter and energy are interchangeable. On Star Trek, the crew interact with beings who are made of nothing but energy. These advanced beings can “materialize” themselves or other objects out of, not just “thin air”, but from NOTHING!


Thanks for you work,

Rick Doogie


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