Why the Velocity of Light is not Constant

PSI Blog 20220502 Why the Velocity of Light is not Constant

Abhi asks:


“In that sub-chapter [15.5] of IUT, you wrote the following sentence:


"Because there is less aether pressure and more aether density, light will travel slower near sea level than at high altitude where there is greater aether pressure and less aether density."


Can you explain why?”


[GB: Thanks, Abhi. You should know that the velocity of a wave is dependent on the properties of the medium through which it travels. The best example is the change in the velocity of light when it enters water. In air, light travels at 300,000,000 m/s; in water, light travels at 225,000,000 m/s. Physicists have various explanations for this with the absorption/emission hypothesis being most popular. Here is a simpler way of thinking about the effect: Suppose you were running as fast as you can across a grassy pasture devoid of trees. Now suppose you entered a nearby woods in which the trees were so close together you could not avoid colliding with some of them. That sure would slow you down.

Baryonic matter would perform the same function in the above analogy. When baryonic matter is particularly dense, as in a steel wall, light can’t get through at all. Again, the medium for light transmission is aether—baryonic matter just gets in the way.


Decelerated aether also interferes with light transmission, but in a slightly different way. Distal aether (i.e., aether particles far from baryonic matter, in the “free field,” or in intergalactic regions) is highly active. I speculate that many of these particles have local inter-particle velocities as great as 1.5c, the same way interparticle velocities of nitrogen in air are up to 1.5 times the speed of sound. In the distal free field aether particles collide with one another producing accelerations and the corresponding decelerations in relatively equivalent amounts. This high activity amounts to a relatively high pressure. In other words, the “push” from these regions would be greater than it would be in regions where aether particles were less active and therefore had relatively low pressure.


Why would the aether particles in some regions be less active and demonstrate reduced pressure? The answer is simple: They would have lost some of their motion to other microcosms due to unreciprocated acceleration. In other words, they would hit something, accelerate it, but not be hit by an equally high-velocity microcosm. This is why aetherial pressure around baryonic matter is relatively low. And even if high-velocity aether particles from the far field collide with relatively low-velocity aether particles in the near field, they would not, in turn, be accelerated as much as those in the free field where each aether particle is hit by other relatively high-velocity aether particles.

While the above paragraph explains pressure differences in the aether medium, it actually applies to any baryonic medium. The interparticle motion of nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere behaves in the same way. High-pressure regions form by heating of Earth’s surface while low-pressure regions remain so where the heating effect is low.

The importance of inter-particle motions is reflected in the ability of the atmosphere to transmit sound. The velocity of sound increases with pressure and temperature; and decreases with density (https://www.engineersedge.com/physics/speed_of_sound_13241.htm). The increases reflect the high activity of the nitrogen molecules, while the decrease reflects the low activity of nitrogen molecules after they have been decelerated and become more densely packed. The water-steam system is analogous, with liquid water being densely packed and having less activity than steam.

The upshot of all this is that distal aetherial pressure is greatest wherever those particles have not been decelerated either by hitting baryonic matter or particularly sluggish proximal aether particles. On Earth aetherial pressure increases with altitude, while atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude because aether particles are the cause of gravitation and the entrained atmosphere is the effect of gravitation. As explained in “Infinite Universe Theory, Chapter 15.5,” the Pound-Rebka experiment proved light velocity increased with altitude and decreased with nearness to Earth. Of course, in support of Einstein’s assumption that the speed of light was constant, they had to use that old magical trope “time dilation” to provide the regressive interpretation ever since misnamed as the “gravitational redshift.” Thus, as you can see, we will be plagued with that silly “time dilation” as long as physicists remain aether denialists.


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