Regressives, by Definition, Don’t Know What Time Is


PSI Blog 20220627 Regressives, by Definition, Don’t Know What Time Is


What is time? The mysterious essence of the fourth dimension




“The true nature of time continues to elude us. But whether it is a fundamental part of the cosmos or an illusion made in our minds has profound implications for our understanding of the universe”


That’s the lament New Scientist[1] is still pushing on a mostly unaware public. This trope is showing lots of wear, but it will not disappear until Einstein worship becomes passé.


Time is motion.


That simple fact escaped Einstein and his regressive followers. It is supposed to escape all students of physics—or else. As the referenced article above demonstrates, regressives can get a lot of mileage out of spreading the usual obfuscation. If you can get folks to believe time is mysterious, an illusion, or a 4th dimension, you can get them to believe all sorts of nonsense. After all, the “theoretical physicists” admired by New Scientist are smarter than the rest of us. And besides, aren’t wormholes and explosions out of nothing fun?


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[1] New Scientist promotes itself as the most popular weekly science and tech magazine in the world. [http://www.cpst.org/10-science-magazines.html]



  1. what stops material entities from passing through each other / what stops some from making a theory that has material bodies occupying the same space .

  2. Thanks Matt:
    All material entities (microcosms) contain entities inside (submicrocosms) and are surrounded by entities outside (supermicrocosms). Any of these can interact, either by allowing the incursion of another or by blocking it. I did NAA for my thesis:

    "Neutron activation analysis is a physical technique that is based on nuclear reactions. The sample becomes radioactive when neutrons react with the nuclei of the elements' atoms. Radionuclides are formed and subsequently decay by emitting gamma rays that are unique in half-life and energy." [Wikipedia]

    Strictly speaking, no two similar microcosms can occupy the same xyz space (except in regressive fantasies involving Quantum Mechanics). But because microcosms tend to have a lot of "empty space," There always is room for additional submicrocosms, as in the NAA example above.


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