Borchardt & Coyne Interview on Webb Space Telescope Falsifying the Big Bang Theory

PSI Blog 20220815 Borchardt & Coyne Interview on Webb Space Telescope Falsifying the Big Bang Theory

In this YouTube interview George and I answer questions regarding the "elderly galaxies" seen in the recent James Webb Space Telescope photos:



  1. This article completely supports what was talked about in the video regarding the suppression of academic dissent from the Big bang model.
    "Anti-Big Bang theory scientists face censorship by international journals"

  2. Eric J. Lerner, a plasma researcher with over 600 published articles and author of the 1991 book "The Big Bang Never Happened" has just written: “To all who see them, the new images of space taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) are awe-inspiring. But for most professional astronomers and cosmologists, they are also extremely surprising – not at all what the theory predicted. In a stream of technical astronomical papers posted online since July 12, the authors report again and again that the images show a surprising number of galaxies, galaxies that are surprisingly smooth, surprisingly small, and surprisingly old. Lots of surprises, and not necessarily pleasant ones. The title of one article begins with a frank exclamation: “Panic!”
    Why are JWST images causing panic among cosmologists? And the predictions of which theory do they contradict? The papers don’t really speak. The truth that is not reported in these documents is that the hypothesis that the JWST images blatantly and repeatedly contradict the Big Bang Hypothesis is that the universe began 14 billion years ago in an incredibly hot, dense state and has since the pore is expanding. Since this hypothesis has been defended for decades as an indisputable truth by the vast majority of cosmological theorists, the new data cause these theorists to panic. “Now I’m lying awake at 3 a.m.,” says Alison Kirkpatrick, an astronomer at the University of Kansas at Lawrence, “and wondering if I did everything wrong.”
    Eric J. Lerner“The Big Bang Didn’t Happen” IAI.TV (August 11, 2022)



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