Shocking News III: 450-Million-Year-Old Spiral Galaxy Falsifies the Big Bang Theory

PSI Blog 20221118 Shocking News III: 450-Million-Year-Old Spiral Galaxy Falsifies the Big Bang Theory

Oops! Spiral galaxies like the Milky Way take over 10 billion years to form with the latest such “elderly galaxies” once again “surprising” cosmogonists.


The spiral at the center of this photo is said to have formed in only 450 million years. Photo credit: NASA/ESA/CSA/Tommaso Treu


According to the Big Bang Theory, there should be no stars, elliptical galaxies, or certainly no spiral galaxies with a cosmological redshift this great (z = 10.5).  Ashley Strickland of CNN just scooped us all with yesterday’s announcement of the latest result from the James Webb Space Telescope. She includes the above photo of what seems to be the first elderly galaxy with a clearly spiral shape. Her article is:


Webb telescope finds two of the most distant galaxies ever observed


With the erroneous assumptions and the mathematical restrictions of the Big Bang Theory, nothing in the supposedly expanding universe can be older that 13.8-billion-years. That puts the squeeze on the calculated ages of objects at high cosmological redshifts. The next shoe to drop in this lengthy adventure is our prediction that the 450-million-year-old spiral above contains elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. You see, old galaxies contain old stars, some of which are so large they develop the extremely high pressures needed to push those elements together to form heavy metals.


Here are a few shocking quotes from the article:


According to the principal investigator, Tommaso Treu: “Somehow, the universe managed to form galaxies faster and earlier than we thought. Just a few hundred million years after the big bang, there were already lots of galaxies. JWST has opened up a new frontier, bringing us closer to understanding how it all began.”


Strickland writes: “The first stars in the universe would have been blazing with heat and only made of hydrogen and helium. Later stars contain heavier elements that were created when the first stars exploded. So far, no Population III stars have ever been seen within our local universe.”


Strickland also gets this great cosmogonical quote: “These observations just make your head explode. This is a whole new chapter in astronomy. It’s like an archaeological dig, and suddenly you find a lost city or something you didn’t know about. It’s just staggering,” said Paola Santini, researcher at the National Institute for Astrophysics’ Astronomical Observatory of Rome, who was a coauthor of the October study.”


Of course, according to Infinite Universe Theory, and Edwin Hubble himself, cosmological redshifts are simply measures of distance. Without Einstein’s perfectly empty space, no wave or particle can travel from point A to point B without losing energy, as indicated by the redshift measurements. BTW: Because of the great distances, what we call “cosmological redshifts” tend to overwhelm other redshifts such as those caused by the doppler effect and by gravitation.


Stay tuned for the next outrageous Big Bang claim…


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