Falsification No. 20 of the Big Bang Theory: Intergalactic Distance Unchanged Over Time

PSI Blog 20230313 Falsification No. 20 of the Big Bang Theory: Intergalactic Distance Unchanged Over Time


Galaxies are supposed to be receding from each other: They are not.


“Deep space mapping shows that densities of galaxy distribution is the same across space and time. If anything, we see greater density nearer to us, the opposite of what the expanding universe theory predicts.” (Giles, 2023).


Thanks to Douglas Giles for his wonderful essay entitled:


What if the Universe Is NOT Expanding?


Dr. Giles is a philosophy professor who obviously understands the absurdity of the current cosmogony. Normally, anyone teaching philosophy in the US has to present both sides of controversial issues, generally confusing students with a mishmash of religion and science. Not so, apparently, for Dr. Giles, who’s most recent book has this intriguing title: “How We Are and How We Got Here: A Practical History of Western Philosophy.”


Intergalactic distances have been measured during the last two decades by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, among others. None have found evidence for universal expansion, which is a primary foundation of the Big Bang Theory. In spite of that, Wikipedia parrots the party line by proclaiming “All these results are in agreement with the measurements of other experiments, notably those of WMAP. They confirm the standard cosmological model.” The standard model is, of course, the Big Bang Theory.


Here is the gist of Dr. Giles’s Medium essay in which he gets it right:


“The observations of galaxies show that when we plot every observed galaxy by its distance from us we get an even distribution. If we compare an incredibly huge section of space centered on a point 2 billion light years away with a same incredibly huge section 8 billion light years away, we see roughly the same density of galaxies 2 billion lights years distant from us as 2, 3, 4, and so on billion light years distant.”







  1. Thanks for another great blog, Glenn! Your readers may be interested in the Youtube interview that I did on Feb 12, 2022, with scientist David de Hilster on "The Universe is Not Expanding." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=535RTO-483Q

  2. Thanks for linking to my article and book. The Medium article was an idea I have been tempted to write on for many years. I saw the central contradiction of the expanding universe in my college astronomy course when the professor gave the raising bread dough analogy. I was amazed that the professor couldn't understand what I meant when I pointed out the light years was not just a distance measurement but a time measurement. I continue to encounter supposed experts who cannot wrap their mind around this very simple, basic reality, probably because admitting it disproves the standard paradigm.

    It is good to discover your Web site and I look forward to reading more of your articles.

  3. Thanks so much Douglas. You are welcome. Your Medium article was a real eye-opener for me. In the past, I saw similar photos without catching on as well. Just goes to show the value of other people's experiences. I had never seen the bread dough/raisin demo. Most demos used the rubber sheets instead, probably because the contradiction was avoided for those with vague conative dissonance.

    BTW: Hope you get a chance to read our books (see scientificphilosophy.org). I think "The Ten Assumptions of Science" would be a good supplement for one of your classes. The "Religious Roots of Relativity" tells a lot about how we got into this cosmogonical mess. I also think you might want to write on the sociological/political connections that gave rise to its popularity.


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