What is Energy?

 PSI Blog 20230327 What is Energy?


For relativity and the Big Bang Theory to survive, the nature of energy must remain a mystery.


Baseball displaying motion (velocity) that we use in calculating kinetic energy (i.e.: KE=1/2mv^2) — no fields required (except maybe a baseball field). Credit: Chris Chow in Unsplash.com.

Another great question from George Coyne:




In your papers and books. you define "energy" as a calculation used in describing matter and its motion, In Universal Cycle theory, you refer to it as "a matter-motion term concerning the exchange of matter's motion representing a calculated result from a number for mass times the square of a velocity number."


In this video, physicist Don Lincoln talks about what physicists mean when using the word energy. He states:


"At the deepest level of reality potential energy is force fields and objects that interact with them. Kinetic energy is the motion of fields. Kinetic and potential energy of all kinds slosh back and forth into one another in an endless dance, changing identity but never changing the amount; forced to be the same by the mathematical structure of the laws of motion."


As Lincoln does not define energy in the same way as you do, then perhaps he is talking about something else. In your model, if he is not referring to what you call energy, then what would you call what he is defining?




[GB: Thanks George for the question, which keeps coming up because of the confusion necessary in supporting the Big Bang Theory. It is obvious that, like most regressive physicists, Don Lincoln doesn’t really know what energy is. Nothing has changed in that regard since Feynman's famous quote:


"It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way." (p. 4-2)


I think the best way to answer your question is to deconstruct your Don Lincoln quote:



"At the deepest level of reality potential energy is force fields and objects that interact with them.”


The term “force field” here is just as ambiguous as “energy.” Force is another matter-motion term for calculating the motion of matter (F=ma) per Newton's Second Law of Motion. Contrary to Einstein, a force field cannot be “immaterial” and it cannot contain any magical “force.” To be legitimate, a force field must contain matter in motion, like the aether particles that become decelerated during the acceleration we call gravitation.[1] Thus, a book lying on your table is imagined to have potential energy because we know it is continually being bombarded by aether particles. You can demonstrate this was the case by removing the table and allowing the book to be pushed to the floor, by aether particles, exhibiting what Don would call kinetic energy.



“Kinetic energy is the motion of fields.”


This is false. Kinetic energy is a calculation describing the motion of things. It does not necessarily require a causative field. For example, a baseball exhibits motion when hit by the bat. From that motion (velocity) and its mass (m) we can calculate the kinetic energy of the ball (KE=1/2mv2). That is useful for comparisons with other things having a different mass and/or velocity. Would you rather be hit by a 145 g baseball or a 400 g American football thrown by the best player who ever threw one?



“Kinetic and potential energy of all kinds slosh back and forth into one another in an endless dance, changing identity but never changing the amount; forced to be the same by the mathematical structure of the laws of motion."


This is only partly true. This is the classical description of the motions of a pendulum. Like all Newtonian statements, it assumes finity, which is inappropriate for the Infinite Universe. There is no pendulum that does not exhibit some resistance, however small. The “endless dance,” like Einstein’s photonic perpetual motion that got us the Big Bang Theory, cannot occur despite the idealism engendered by mathematics.]


[1] Here is what causes the acceleration called gravitation:

Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, The physical cause of gravitation: viXra:1806.0165


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Glenn for your excellent answer! For those interested in the source of the Richard Feynman quote, here is the link to the lecture where it appears in the final paragraph.



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