BBC: “Huge Ring of Galaxies Challenges Thinking on Cosmos”

 PSI Blog 20240122 BBC: “Huge Ring of Galaxies Challenges Thinking on Cosmos”


Infinite Universe Theory predicts there is no end to the size of astronomical structures.


Photo credit Pallab Ghosh: “An artist's impression highlighting the positions of the Big Ring (in blue) and Giant Arc (shown in red) in the sky.”


Huge ring of galaxies challenges thinking on cosmos


Astute readers know Infinite Universe Theory is founded on the Eighth Assumption of Science, infinity (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions). This means, of course, that there is no largest object, just as there is no smallest object.[1]


With regard to the Big Ring, the latest discovery, Pallab Ghosh writes: “It is 1.3bn light-years in diameter and appears to be roughly 15 times the size of the Moon in the night sky as seen from Earth.”


And: “The Big Ring was identified by Alexia Lopez, a PhD student at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), who also discovered the Giant Arc - a structure spanning 3.3bn light-years of space.”


Even that is not the largest structure so far discovered. According to Ghosh: “the biggest single entity scientists have identified is a supercluster of galaxies called the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, which is about 10 billion light-years wide.”


So, what makes a cosmological structure such as a supercluster? Like everything in the Infinite Universe, each is a microcosm containing submicrocosms in association. Also, like all microcosms, they form via convergence, having been pushed together via gravitation.


As Ghosh implied in the BBC article, these hugh structures are a grand falsification of the “Cosmological Principle.” They are not supposed to exist because the universe is supposed to be homogeneous like a normal explosion would be. Of course, the Cosmological Principle was destroyed long ago when the first structures were observed. The cosmological cognitive dissonance grows with each new discovery. If anything, convergence is at least as great as the divergence produced by the assumed universal expansion for which there is no evidence.


Cosmogonists still believe gravitation is caused by “attraction.” It was a way out of the contradiction whenever things came together in a universe otherwise assumed to be coming apart. The 13.8-Ga age of the supposed Big Bang universe lacks enough time for the galaxies in such large structures to gravitate toward each other. The Great Wall itself is ten billion light years away from us. The light from that structure thus took 10 billion light years to reach us. Obviously, the structure we see now had to come together prior to that time. The same goes for the newly discovered Big Ring, which is over 9 billion light years away. The Big Bang Theory claims astronomical structures should look younger and younger with distance. Looks like Alexia’s discoveries confirm yet another falsification of the theory.


The upshot of all this just forms a progression leading to the eventual demise of cosmogony and the “Last Creation Myth.”



PSI Blog 20240122


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[1] Puetz, S.J., and Borchardt, Glenn, 2011, Universal Cycle Theory: Neomechanics of the Hierarchically Infinite Universe: Denver, Outskirts Press, 626 p. [https://go.glennborchardt.com/UCT].


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