PSI Blog 20240219 “JWST Sees More Galaxies than Expected”
Excuses being made up for the “elderly
galaxies” being found in the cosmogonical crib.
The galaxy CEERS-93316 was originally determined to date
from 250 million years after the big bang. Astrophysicists have since revised
this number to 1.2 billion years after the big bang. Photo credit: S. Jewell
and C. Pollock/University of Edinburgh.
Thanks to George Coyne
for this heads up. He says: “I thought you would find the recalculation of the age
of the galaxy to be as amusing, unjustified and silly as I did.”
As most readers
know, the Big Bang universe is supposed to be younger and younger as we look
back in time. Not so…
More serious ad
hocs (theoretical add-ons designed to save a faltering theory) are now
appearing. First you do some recalculations. Then you hypothesize some
never-before seen special properties to help maintain what is left of your
theoretical mess.
Remember that is
what Einstein did in his famously well received hypothesis that light was a
particle and not a wave. The result was his “Untired Light Theory,” which
assumes light is a massless particle filled with perfectly empty space
traveling perpetually through perfectly empty space. There is no evidence for
any of that, but it remains the foundation of the ridiculous expanding universe
interpretation. The cosmological redshift is mostly a result of energy loss
over distance, with very little of it being a result of the Doppler effect and
none of it being the result of the magical >c expansion of perfectly
empty space.
It's not my theory,
so I haven’t studied the recalculations used to drop the redshift from what was
once thought to be z=16.7 to z=4.9. But here is a salient quote from Katherine
Wright’s article:
“So far, only about
10 of the high-redshift galaxies found in the initial JWST images have had
spectroscopic follow-ups. Among them is CEERS-93316. That more detailed view
led Donnan and his colleagues to revise the galaxy’s redshift down to 4.9,
which came as a relief to the researchers. ‘If CEERS-93316 had kept its high
redshift, that would have been very difficult to reconcile with the models,’ says Pablo Arrabal Haro, the lead researcher…”
Let’s all hope the “more
detailed view” doesn’t lead to a recalc of our own Milky Way, which has been a
proud 13.61 Ga (billions of years old) for quite some time.
We now have 23 falsifications of the Big Bang Theory. Most of those are ad hocs like the first one
I listed,[1]
which is a violation of the Fifth Assumption of Science, conservation
(Matter and the motion of matter can be neither created nor destroyed). The ad
hoc is the Fifth Assumption of Religion, creation (Matter and motion can
be created out of nothing).
PSI Blog 20240219
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[That is the one David Balogun used to best Neil deGrasse Tyson in a short
Proponents of the Standard Cosmology are having a hard time explaining away its obvious contradictions, inconsistensies, and shortcomings.
We need a complete new and consistent approach to everything, and I highly recommend the contents in this video:
Best wishes
Ivar Nielsen